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Sicario means Hitman. Get on it kunce. A great movie a great ending.

For those of you with an understanding of the Cold War and an understanding of Negotiation

For those of you with an understanding of the Cold War and an understanding of Negotiation

Just watched this. I'd heard mixed reviews so didn't know what to expect. Thought it was very good. The main characters refusal to get with the program and constant moral highgrounding frustrated me though.

Watched The Revenant last night.

Pretty much like every other survival movie. Talked through the entire Movie, that's how boring it was.

Plot: Kunt goes hunting. Kunts get attacked by Injians. Kunt gets attaked by Bear. Kunt's mates rescue him. Mates then leave Kunt to die. One mate tries to kill Kunt. Kunt survives. Kunt falls down mountains. Kunt gets chased by Injians. Kunt gets chased by Whites. Kunt falls into freezing River. Kunt almost dies of starvation. Kunt goes after dude who initially tried to kill him. The End.

Seen thousands of movies like this. Some younger people who haven't seen as many of these survival movies might like it. But for me, it just went on and on and on with the same stuff I've seen before!

EDIT: Just remembered. Great scene where Kunt cuts open a dead Horse, then pulls out all the Horse's organs. Kunt then crawls inside dead Horse's belly and uses it as a shelter :o
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Watched The Revenant last night.

EDIT: Just remembered. Great scene where Kunt cuts open a dead Horse, then pulls out all the Horse's organs. Kunt then crawls inside dead Horse's belly and uses it as a shelter :o
So they copied that scene from Star Wars - The Empire Strikes Back where Han cuts open the dead tauntaun and Luke uses as shelter . How original.

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Pulp Fiction

So I finally saw the movie that put Tarantino on the map, 21 years later. For those who haven't seen it, the plot revolves around a group of mobsters, some professional and some not so professional. Packed into a few days with intertwining character stories, there is a life threatening drug overdose of a mob boss' wife, abduction and sexual abuse of fellow gangsters, a fixed boxing match, a drug deal that goes wrong in the messiest way and a tense getaway from hit-men. I'd already heard that this movie was told in a non-linear narrative, so I was taking note carefully to not miss anything, like is the case with many similar movies. However I was surprised at how well this was told and everything made sense. I guess a lot of the non-linear genre is just a gimmick to confuse the viewer because the actual movie isn't that great to begin with. For me this movie had a lot of hype behind it, and it certainly lived up to it. It's definitely a must watch movie.


It Follows

A movie that took me by surprise in the horror genre, where every theme and sequel has been done to death. The concept is that there is some sort of ghost or spirit who follows the victim at a walking pace. So you can easily see it coming and flee; however it will eventually catch up to you, and when it does, it has supernatural powers and will beat you to death. The only way to cure yourself of it is to have sex with someone, and it will then follow that person. But if that person is killed, it will come back after you. Seeing this is an independent/low budget movie, the actual script is very good and they haven't relied on special effects to tell the story. It is a little slow as it certainly isn't an action or traditional horror movie. But it does what great horror movies do; it shows you just enough to be scared, and you mind does the rest. I found myself thinking about this days after watching it. This is a nice little movie that flew under the radar.


O Brother, Where Art Thou?

An early Coen brothers film starring George Clooney in his prime set in the American south during the 1930s. Three convict escape the chain gang in search of buried treasure, according to the leader of the group. Like all Coen brothers films, the story is in the detail and uniqueness of the characters, both main and the smaller roles. As the convicts flee across the country, they encounter bank robbers, the KKK, deceptive family members and even record a hit song at a radio station. The movie is always leading you down a predictable path and then takes a left turn, until you give on figuring it out and go along with the ride. This is already a great example of a dark comedy, as you'll find yourself laughing at the characters' quirks. If you've seen other Coen brothers' films, you'll know what to expect and this is up there with the best.

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The ABCs of Death

A bit of a unique movie where directors around the world were given a letter from A-Z, and then had to make a horror short about death. Most of the directors were not English, so a lot of these short films showcased some of the best story telling techniques you only see in foreign films. It's hard to talk about any of the shorts, as I'll probably ruin them, and there are so many. As you would expect, some are hit and miss, but as a whole, they were very entertaining. No doubt some will stick out as favourites; I really liked "S is for Speed". I was completely shocked by the negative reviews and only a 35% rating on Rotten Tomatoes. I would definitely recommend this as cool indie film that flew under the radar.


Star Wars: The Force Awakens

The latest blockbuster instalment to the Star Wars universe. I went into this assuming nothing. I saw the original trilogy as a kid and then skipped the trilogy from 10 years ago due to the sheer silliness of the characters. As I'm not really a fan, I never bothered to catch up on the movies I missed. Anywho this continues 30 years after the first trilogy, but it's almost like a stand-alone movie. So if you haven't seen any of the previous movies, you're good to go and you'll follow it just fine. The core plot is about a Stormtrooper who has a conscience and defects from the dark side. Naturally, the evil empire is hot on his heels. As he flees to nearby planets, he makes friends with characters who are yet to realise their role in the universe, as well as some familiar faces. As a pure action movie, it's quite good. As a non sci-fi fan, I was entertained throughout and everything made sense. I'm sure fans will get even more out of this, as a lot probably went over my head. My only criticism is with Carrie Fisher playing Princess Leia. All the other characters fit into the story and looked the part, but it's obvious that Fisher has had numerous face-lifts, and now can't display emotions. Every scene she was in, she just smirks. No doubt due to the surgeon setting her face like that. I think they could have re-cast her to someone who can still act.



Seeing I had just watched Star Wars, I thought I'd continue with the sci-fi genre and see Mel Brooks' parody. This loosely follows the original Star Wars film, with all the characters' names being a play on words and a lot of gag humour. Surprisingly, George Lucas was a fan of this parody and actually helped with some of the special effects. At the time this got decent reviews, but I don't think this has aged well. It got a few half-hearted laughs out of me, but overall the plot was pretty nonexistent, and there just wasn't enough material to make this a full length movie. I wouldn't bother hunting this down to watch.

Milocrorze: A Love Story

A bit of a shoot in the dark with a Japanese film that was recommended. This tells the story of 3 main characters, each with their own story. However the stories barely interact; just enough to join the 3 acts together into a feature length movie. The first story is about a man/child (I'm still not sure which one) who is going through a relationship breakup, told via surreal narration. The second follows a relationship expert, giving advice to nerds who call into his show. His advice is heavily based on pick-up artist techniques though, very much outside of the comfort zone of the callers. And the third story, which could have been the entire movie if it was fleshed out more, is about a regular man turned ninja, seeking revenge for the kidnap of his wife. Overall this was an entertaining movie with many memorable scenes. But you need to go into this expecting something crazy, like a surreal painting. Many aspects won't make sense, and they're not meant to. I'd rate it above average.


The Revenant

One of my most anticipated movies for a while. I'm a sucker for westerns and survival movies, and this was both with an A-list cast. The movie is set in the early 1800s, where the colonisation of America is in its early stages. The Native Americans still occupy most of America, but are no strangers to the white man. There is a lot of hostility as the land the white settlements are on have been taken forcefully, usually by wiping out the native tribes. As a party of hunters and trappers gather pelts, they come under attack by a tribe looking for the chief's daughter. Only a handful manage to escape the ambush. On route to a main settlement with the natives at their heels, the men become their own worst enemy. Cutting to the chase, this didn't live up to expectations. There were some great scenes, particularly the opening; reminiscent of Saving Private Ryan, but the middle of the film becomes tedious. It felt like the movie was just DiCaprio's character making a camp for the night on a loop. Some of this screen time could have been used to flesh out the background story of DiCaprio's character living with the natives. This isn't a bad movie, but it does become a chore to get to the end.


The Hateful Eight

From a 1800s western set during winter in mountainous terrain, to another in the exact same setting, released in 2015. It is weird that these two movies were released so close together. Obviously, this is Tarantino's latest film; with the premise being a group of bounty hunters are forced to make camp in a cabin during a blizzard. The only problem being a collection of misfits inhabiting the cabin, and the usual punctual owners are nowhere to be found. If you've heard that this is 3 hours of the characters being stuck in a cabin, you've heard right. With the well developed and unique characters you'd expect from a Tarantino film, you can tolerate it for a while, but eventually it does become frustrating. The characters are great and it's an interesting story, but there just needed to be more to look at. Seeing how great Django Unchained was, this felt a bit disappointing as a follow up film. If I had to pick either this or The Revenant as the best western set during the American winter film of 2015, I'd go The Revenant.


Another John Wayne western that I didn't think I would put on here. This loosely tells the real life story of John Chisum, a proud rancher and large land owner in the American South. Even though he holds no official authority over the area, he's seen as the unofficial sheriff. A lawyer is trying to buy out the land by changing the laws to suit himself, and with such, will legally control the town. What ensues is a battle between good and evil, with the unlikely appearance of famous outlaws/lawmen as Billy The Kid and Pat Garrett. This is a bit of a mishmash of all story lines found in Westerns, but instead of coming out as a mess, they kind of pull it off with plenty of action and the characters are half developed. Reading about this afterwards, I was surprised that there has never been talk of the homosexual undertones. Chisum has a long term live-in male friend, he openly states he has no interest in women, has no children and his best friend is an eccentric old man who lives next door. Something was up.


Craigslist Joe

An experimental documentary where Joe, a user of Craigslist (our Gumtree) tries to live off the generosity of others for 30 days. All of his food, transport and sleeping arrangements must be provided for free from ads on Craigslist. Joe also undertakes free classes and does the advertised charity work to kill time during the day. The only person who Joe takes with him is a cameraman, who he also found on Craigslist. I found this really interesting and a cool concept. You feel the highs and lows when he scores a meal and makes a friend who allows him to spend the night. But each is short lived, as with a new day, the cycle starts again. People criticised this documentary as Joe is a middle-class white male, and they assume people wouldn't be as generous to minorities. But I beg to differ and think it's just people nitpicking. I think lots of people will enjoy this.


Raw Deal: A Question of Consent

The very first documentary by one of my favourite documentary film makers, Billy Corben. This is a rather hard film to find, and that's why it's taken me so long to track it down and watch it. It covers a famous rape case in Florida of 1999. A stripper claims she was raped by a group of fraternity guys after the strip show she performed. However, the events of the night were actually filmed, and once the police watch the tapes, they release the men accused and arrest the woman for making a false report. This is truly a polarizing film, where 2 people who watch it will have completely different views on what happened, even though they both watch the exact same footage. It's not uncommon to change your mind multiple times during the film whether this woman was raped or not. This is such a unique story, where there are many grey areas. I'm purposely being vague to not spoil this, but I hope more people see this so it can be discussed. There is a lot of discussion to be had after watching it.


The latest blockbuster superhero movie, but with a twist. This is meant to be a parody on the superhero genre, where Deadpool breaks the forth wall and is self referential. And it is, but it's a bit of a one trick pony. I had high hopes for this as I'm starting to loath all the superhero spin-offs; they're a blatant money-grab. The premise for this movie is that Deadpool undergoes experimental surgery to cure his cancer, with unexpected results. Even though this movie is trying to make fun of the superhero genre, it becomes exactly what it's making fun of. The ending is predictable, and after the unique intro with a few one-liners, it devolves into the tried and true formula for all Hollywood movies. I was really disappointed that the jokes in this were just saying "hashtag" and shouting nonsense. Is that's what's funny now? I thought I was just being cynical about this movie, like most movies of this type. But no one else in the cinema was laughing either. I think we've all been tricked by the hype. The people talking this movie up are actual superhero fans that like anything and everything. I was very disappointed in this.


The Hunter

A movie that's been on my list for a while. Willem Dafoe stars as a secret agent for a biological company trying to track down a Tasmanian Tiger for research purposes. This seems like it could take a very Hollywood route, but thankfully it doesn't. It's a slow burn with a lot of screen time devoted to the Tasmanian wilderness. The premise seems pretty straight forward, but things are not what they seem. There are multiple agents working on the same case, unbeknownst to each other. Then throw in the local issues of disgruntled loggers and greenies. I'm not 100% sure on the political situation in Tasmania, but the aggressiveness and rudeness of the locals seemed a little extreme and unbelievable. I enjoyed the entire movie and it had me in, except for the end. It just lost its way and instead of wrapping up loose ends or creating suspense, it abruptly ended with little explanation. I suspect some budget or time constraints on filming. Either way, I'd recommend this as a worthy Australian film to put on your list.



The just released Sacha Baron Cohen film about a man from the poor side of England, still looking for his adopted out missing brother 28 years later. Like with most of Cohen's work, the story isn't the driving factor, but merely a theme and a way to string jokes together. With Cohen's previous scripted movies, the jokes are almost rapid fire, hoping to win you over with some, and this is no different. Some jokes fall flat, but the majority are genuinely funny. And I'm sure there were many England specific jokes I missed. The pacing was a little weird as the movie opens up as a full on action movie that most action directors would be jealous of. Then the movie stagnates in the middle with a lot of big name actors not being made use of, but it does finish strong. I don't want to give anything away, but there is an elephant scene that will get a laugh out of the toughest critic; this scene alone is the worth the price of admission. This is the best comedy film I've seen for a long time, so I was surprised to see it get such bad reviews. If you're a fan of Cohen's work, you won't be disappointed.


A documentary I've had on my list for a very long time. Being somewhat of a motorsport fan, I knew who Ayrton Senna was, but my knowledge was patchy as he was before my time. This tells a brief history of his racing career, focusing mostly on his time in F1, his rivalry with Alain Prost, and what his success meant to Brazil. His early years and death isn't particularly focused on; I think due to his F1 career being so eventful. Like I've said before, all good documentaries take a subject you may have no interest in, and get you emotionally invested, and this does that to the extreme. I don't think it's possible to watch this and not be moved by the life of Senna. It's probably up there as one of the best documentaries of all time. Seeing Senna's death wasn't a major point in this, or wasn't a topic of investigation, I did my own research. There is a lot of controversy over his death as technically his body was kept alive for 4 hours after the deadly crash, even though he was brain dead with no chance of survival. Apparently this was done so the race wasn't cancelled and could resume. Not surprising seeing the corruption documented in this.


10 Cloverfield Lane

Being labelled a Cloverfield sequel, this is a spiritual successor currently in cinemas. The Cloverfield tie in may leave fans disappointed as there are only a few cross references that are easily missed. This movie is a total change in genre from the original. Where Cloverfield was an action movie with a slight horror feel, this is the definition of a thriller. This is an easy movie to spoil, so I'll try my best to avoid that. Michelle is involved in a car accident one night and wakes up in a cellar, chained to the wall. Fearing the worst, she is greeted by other survivors who tell her the apocalypse is here. Now she must figure out who is telling the truth and what is really above ground. I'm kind of two minds about this movie. If it was a standalone movie, I would have really enjoyed it. But because I knew it tied into Cloverfield, I was distracted, waiting for the action to pick up. However this definitely is a movie worth watching, and I've heard nothing but great reviews from everyone.


Tank Girl

An iconic movie most people have heard of, as had I, but never seen. This is a little hard to describe apart from calling it very 90s. Tank Girl, the character, is a bit of an accidental hero, air head and just generally out of touch with reality. In post apocalyptic Australia where water is an extremely scarce resource; there is a power struggle between a big corporation that controls the water and the rebels or scavengers who try to control their own wells. The plot is really a placeholder for Tank Girl to get into situations and act bipolar, to the frustration of the antagonists. Think of a female version of The Mask, but without a mask or actually being funny. Many parts of this movie were very hard to follow and felt disjointed. Researching afterwards, this was due to the production company totally butchering the script and deleting scenes that were much more sexual in nature and meaningful to Tank Girl's character. It's a shame, as if this was done properly, it would actually be a decent movie. But as it stands, it's a bit of a mess not worth digging up if you missed it.
