Young kunce, bout 20.
cap backwards
massive cans
stringer singlet
long skins (no shorts on top

powerlifting shoes (brand new white)
walking around like he won mr Olympia 7 years in a row, but kunce rollyn NO muscle.
Sets up the bar in front if the mirror, right in the way where every knunce walks through, put 3 plates on each side and looks around like "check this out kunce"
Than proceeds to get a grip for a dead lift for 5 minutes
Grip no good so doesn't attempts the lift
fucks around with the grip for another 5 minutes
music no good, so he doesn't attempt the lift
Anther 5 minutes to get his grip
shoe too loose this time, bails and tightens the lace
after 5 minutes he get his grip AGAIN
snorts like a thoroughbred before the Melb cup, moves his arse from side to side, goes to lift, his arse goes up but the bar didn't move a single mm, stayed right on the ground
he stood up, checked himself out, looked pretty pleased with himself, left the bar where it was and walked off and started doing let pull downs.