Just talked to an 84 year old guy at jetts just starting to train now. Full body routine that looked better than most people's I've seen training here. Fucking respect to that.
Was he really 84 or was he 'bad grandpa' 84?
Man I would love to do that one day, rock up as a geriatric with a walking cane and wrinkle prosthetics then start doing speed deadlifts
Here's the hot tip - deodorant is not after shave, despite what the ads say if you spray half a can all over you you will not have hot chicks pawing at you as you walk down the street.
They show how movies in gym now?
Pretty sure the new Power Fitness (or whatever its called) in Midland over here has a theatre in the spin room or is that a spin room in the theatre? See if I can dig up a pic...
No. It's cause you're a homoI can't pick up chicks...Is it cos I'm not a power lifter?
No. It's cause you're a homo
Maybe you know the latest gym wear fashion @Repacked ; I struggle to understand what goes through these kunce's minds when the look in the mirror.
They all seem to favour this ridiculous combo:
- the 80s Kung foo shoes
- Alibaba pants, the ones that are skinny from the knee down and the arse hangs 1/2 way down to the back of the knee.
- the obligatory stringer singlet, not much of it at all
- and the worlds ugliest beanie that hangs down the back of the neck past the shoulders that would make a better potato sack.
Sgot me fucked how we are supposed take these kunce seriously when they look like they just escaped from a circus act.