vonfram88; I won't hijack your log. Some aspects of your argument I can appreciate, don't necessarily agree with but can appreciate. You raise the hierarchy of needs; if you subscribe to Maslow's theory the treatment of Gay people as a separate social entity, refusing them the right to marriage and so on negatively impacts every level of the hierarchy of needs save physiological.
You have raised the issue of minors having no sexual identity. I think it is generally accepted that peoples sexual identity is well developed before they are legally 'of age'. An arbitrary number is of no relevance. Given the current accessibility of information to minors through the internet etc it could be argued that sexual identity is something that is developing at a younger age than ever before, for better or worse.
It's worth considering that, given homosexuality is as old as humanity, there likely always were 'minors' that felt attracted to the same sex, rather than it being a recent invention or by-product of the LGBT movement. It is only in recent years that awareness has increased and young people are not subject to the same level of homophobia, and actually have various channels of support available to them. This may be a factor in the perceived proliferation of minors who identify as Gay.
Interestingly, it's probably a safe assumption that the membership here is probably a bit more conservative in regards to gay rights than much of society in general, yet the poll up the top still reads 56% in favour of supporting gay marriage rights. Not exactly a huge sample size and I don't think anyone's going to quote 'the poll on AusBB' when making a case to parliament for allowing Gay marriage, but food for thought nonetheless.