Remember the kunce hung in Singapore for the same offence, no one had a candle vigil for him, but we longneck instead.
Nah, they did have a candle vigil for him at the moment 6.00am that he was hung. I remember watching the service and at the minute he was hung they had a minute silence and some young bloke during the candle vigil was stretching out his neck as if in empathy.
He only had about 400grams of Heroin on him when caught and his flight was just a stop over in Singapore, from Thailand to Australia or something. He had nothing to do with Singapore.
I've known Lawyers on the Queen's Honours list and very successful business people. I've known Murders, bank robbers and drug dealers etc. They are just as bad as each other. The people at the top are just as bad as the people at the bottom. Ruthless sociopaths.
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