I understand your point, but I don't buy into it, if they are doing it because they are drug fucked, really I don't care, they had choices, we all have choices, we make choices every day, what affects your decision process is not really relevant to the final outcome.
There is always the bleeding heart side, of they are poor immigrant families, they had a bad childhood, they were not thinking straight, their mummy did not hug them enough or cut the crust off their toast or what ever, really I don't care what has let up to the final event, they had choices, they made decisions, and we all have to live with our decisions, both good and bad.
If some grub comes climbing through my window at 3am I don't really care what has let up to getting them there, what their childhood was like, or if they got the right amount of hugs from nana or what ever, they will meet Mr Baseball Bat straight to the forehead.