No thanks to haters everywhere, who I would suspect are perceived by this introverts as nothing more than provocateurs. Who knows, some of those "normal" Muslims could be reading some of the hate posts in this very thread and getting the urge to wake up from their slumber. That is why hate would bring more hate. So I urge the mature people in this thread to do their bit by having some useful and constructive conversations amongst ourselves, instead of acting as if this is some fiction movie we're all acting in. My wife was spat at from a passenger sitting in a truck high up looking down at her in her vehicle whilst standing at the traffic light waiting for the green signal. "You fucking terrorist go back to where you come from you bitch!" How would you like that to be done to your wife, mother, sister, or daughter, simply based on the cross or the star of David she's wearing around her neck?! I consider that man to be the luckiest man alive in Australia tonight simply because I was not there or he would have been torn to pieces and I would have been happy to go to jail for it if it was to come to that. Now please tell me D1cko, was that man "normal"? Tough man picking on a lone woman!!!
Wake up people!