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I don't mind SM, there are some awesome guys there still lurking: MO, Hogan etc but it's just so goddamn quiet. I'll bring my journal and my massive 100kg x 8 bench press over here lol
I don't mind SM, there are some awesome guys there still lurking: MO, Hogan etc but it's just so goddamn quiet. I'll bring my journal and my massive 100kg x 8 bench press over here lol
Please do. Is that Jasper or Jesper c*** smoker still there?
There used to be a guy named Bricktop but I haven't seen him in ages. I thought 'Brick' here may have been the same guy.
True mate. Unfortunately, I chose to attack her before leaving and the accusations were flying left right and centre. At least she admitting to the reason why she didn't want to have sex - she simply didn't want to sleep with a 'child'. So it seems we had a parent/child relationship. I'm really tempted to take the new couch I just bought but I'm going to wait until I have the $ for the car. This all just sucks
So as a "parent" it took one of the usual (and probably many) break up arguments to tell you what she really thinks? Sounds childish to me :confused:
Do what you've got to do, in time you may never see her again so look after yourself.
Just an update. I decided to take Bricks advice and get my ass into action by hooking up with some other women (I've been single for 2 weeks now). The Internet as a tool for meeting women has it's challenges. Most seen to want r'ships and if they do just want sex, they're not about to admit it.

I met one girl off OzCupid last night. She was very cute. We had a couple drinks and spent about 3 hours chatting. She touched my leg a couple times and even remarked she was glad I came out to meet her. So I reasoned she wouldn't turn down my advances for a kiss. Not so. It wasa little awkward (I drove her home). Should have just kissed her on the cheek, given her a hug and be on my merry way.

Even so, she messaged me when I got home and said it was nice to meet me and I'm much 'better' in person than I am on the web. I replied with 'let's catch up again soon" and she said "sure.... let me know when you're around". Lib replied once more this afternoon with some casual banter on What's app and suggested grabbing something to eat midweek, but then nothing. I don't understand. Anyone care to shed some light. I've obviously fucked up somewhere. Maybe i need to be more of a prick?
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Nice guys finish last?

Perhaps you're fishing in the wrong ponds. Put out some more bait and widen the net. You'll get a bite sooner or later!

Just send her another message and roll with the "oh sorry, I was really busy all week"
Shes probably had time to think about you after the event and is more than likely shopping for guys and has a few more on the books.
She's just not that into. Chicks have their phones glued to their hands, sorry but if she was interested she'd have msged back by now.
Truth. Means rules apply for girls as they do for guys. If they're interested, they'll reply / make contact. It's that simple. Sometimes, the truth hurts (and sucks real bad)
Just an update. I decided to take Bricks advice and get my ass into action by hooking up with some other women (I've been single for 2 weeks now). The Internet as a tool for meeting women has it's challenges. Most seen to want r'ships and if they do just want sex, they're not about to admit it.

I met one girl off OzCupid last night. She was very cute. We had a couple drinks and spent about 3 hours chatting. She touched my leg a couple times and even remarked she was glad I came out to meet her. So I reasoned she wouldn't turn down my advances for a kiss. Not so. It wasa little awkward (I drove her home). Should have just kissed her on the cheek, given her a hug and be on my merry way.

Even so, she messaged me when I got home and said it was nice to meet me and I'm much 'better' in person than I am on the web. I replied with 'let's catch up again soon" and she said "sure.... let me know when you're around". Lib replied once more this afternoon with some casual banter on What's app and suggested grabbing something to eat midweek, but then nothing. I don't understand these women. Anyone care to shed some light. I've obviously fucked up somewhere. Maybe i need to be more of a prick?

I have gone through 3 main break ups in my life - I am abit of a relationship man - one was someone I was seeing for 4 years, the other was around a year but it became very serious very fast i.e talking about getting married, shit like that and then the other one about 3 1/2 years.

- 1st one I hung onto for ages - I was young so somewhat expected but the "breakup" went on for months - I didnt want to let go.

- 2nd one prob the "hardest" breakup and we were both sort of hanging on - but I discovered going out - BUT the places I was going she was there haha - but saying that I did let go easier and found "moving on" - talking to and sleeping with/or hooking up with as many girls def helped.

- 3rd one - I dont think we ever were really "in-love" during the relationship and even I should of brought broke it off a year or so before she did - it was a tough break up because I had been with her for 3 1/2 years - and totally not expected - came over one night, "Hey lets break up" - "ok" lol - I then went buck wild - going out, doing "naughty" things, talking to as MANY POSSIBLE girls as I could I am talking 10-15 and trying to increase that number on a daily basis lol - trying to hook up with as many girls as possible, trying to go out and have fun as much as possible, trying to LOOK the BEST I could (during this time I had the best EVER results in the gym) - it was my time to not give a fuck and totally think about myself....this was the BEST time of my life - I became WAY closer to my mates, was going out and meeting new people every week, having a blast, hooking up with chicks, "playing the game" etc etc

Moral of the story is just do what you want to do, as bad as it sounds take this time to think about yourself, chilling with mates and doing as much fun shit as humanly possible, DO NOT let chicks drag you in, play it light as fuck, be abit weird, talk about unicorns, drink till your pants fall off, destory the gym.

The girl you mentioned in the post - just dont message her - believe me if she thinks your good she will wb - if not her gives a fuck, add another girl on fb and say sorry for the add I like unicorns and I think your cute, add another chick on a dating site.

I am guessing your not wanting a relationship at the moment? If not just dont give a shit mate - be abit of a weird prick - honestly (no offense the the women on the forum) but most girls like guys to be abit distant to start with, they dont like you all in their face, and they like you to be "different" - talk about weird shit, abit abit rude to them but in a flirty way etc etc - the 1st convo I had with my current GF was about a TV showed I watched about a guy who had sex with cars (yes sex with cars) 1. it hooked her in and she was like wtf 2. It sparked a convo straight away 3. she thought who the fuck is this guy and 4. It opened her up to reply and move onto other topics.

Sorry for the rant but I know how mind fucking it can be after a relationship - and I just want to give you some of the things I have learnt haha
Rugby, that is the best thing I've read all week. And gave me a decent laugh, which I needed. There are some home truths in there as well.
Just an update. I decided to take Bricks advice and get my ass into action by hooking up with some other women (I've been single for 2 weeks now). The Internet as a tool for meeting women has it's challenges. Most seen to want r'ships and if they do just want sex, they're not about to admit it.

I met one girl off OzCupid last night. She was very cute. We had a couple drinks and spent about 3 hours chatting. She touched my leg a couple times and even remarked she was glad I came out to meet her. So I reasoned she wouldn't turn down my advances for a kiss. Not so. It wasa little awkward (I drove her home). Should have just kissed her on the cheek, given her a hug and be on my merry way.

Even so, she messaged me when I got home and said it was nice to meet me and I'm much 'better' in person than I am on the web. I replied with 'let's catch up again soon" and she said "sure.... let me know when you're around". Lib replied once more this afternoon with some casual banter on What's app and suggested grabbing something to eat midweek, but then nothing. I don't understand. Anyone care to shed some light. I've obviously fucked up somewhere. Maybe i need to be more of a prick?

Man you have some issues with taking control, when she touched you on the leg it was her way of saying I'm moist here bend me over and fuck me big boy.

For a chick to do that takes soo much forethought, this isn't a man that absentmindedly gropes at a boob. A woman deliberates the touch on the leg all night before making that move.

You have a lot to learn about women my man.
[MENTION=12395]Grunta[/MENTION]; [MENTION=12407]Undercover[/MENTION]; please school this guy ASAP before he gets fucked over by another female
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