Registered Rustler
Do you mean the pressing part or the moving it forward with your lats part?
I found once I started benching 125kg+ for the first time as working sets it was really hard unracking it. I just eventually adjusted to my new working weight. I dont have to use my lats a lot to move it forward though. I set up so I lock out 1 inch from the rack (I believe Sticky once said this to me).
I think lots of heavy dips 'going forward' with a close grip have helped make the press part (of unracking) really easy. My strength curve is now strong at the top, weak at the bottom, like most people. I would say I could unrack 160kg without issues now.
As the worlds worst bencher i can lift out over 200kg, never knew it was an issue with people.
Seriously how can people not lift out what they can bench.
Taking it out the rack is the issue. The rack holds are a very deep V you can't just drag it out the rack like on a competition bench