I'm finding that a considerable amount of "sticking points" with people's bench presses are caused by the stretch reflex "running out"
This sounds about accurate to me. Probably a good case for both pausing at the bottom and for benching with a reduced ROM (eg board presses). The former obviously gets you going from the very bottom with less SSR to assist you, and the latter has the potential to teach you to drive at a point where you'd otherwise be relying on SSR to get you through the position.
I agree but I think board presses are the wrong way to achieve this
What would you do?
I always thought the 'lats play a big part in the bench press' was wrong, cause other muscles play a bigger part (chest, triceps, delts).
After doing smolov jr though I did some rows and they felt a lot lighter. I've improved my strength off the chest a lot, which makes me wonder are the lats the primary mover for the first few inches of the bench press (especially when using an arch)?
It can simply be a motor control issue.
On the ascent, thinking about pushing the shoulders back into the bench, rather than pushing the weight away from you, can help this problem a lot.