Hard to say mate - could be a mix of all factors - of course triceps play a huge role in any pressing movement and yes not getting enough rest/recovery will result in less than great workouts.
Keep smashing your triceps mate and it will have a great carry over to a better bench....and of course get your rest!
I think my point might have been missed Rugby. I used to fuck around doing skull crushers etc...sure dips would be great, but for me, just simply more benching works.
You mean you got to 80kg and took drugs and bench increased? Also amazing!! Lol
I meant exactly that, instead of focusing on triceps, I focused on bench...simple
I think my point might have been missed Rugby. I used to fuck around doing skull crushers etc...sure dips would be great, but for me, just simply more benching works.
I think my point might have been missed Rugby. I used to fuck around doing skull crushers etc...sure dips would be great, but for me, just simply more benching works.
Oh course mate - working on X exercise by doing X exercise will always increase it (well you would hope) - I guess it depends on how far your wanting to take it or as I stated above what your goal is in regards to your training and exercise.
Dips are just all round good.
Increase all pressing muscles instead of just saying you need to smash the triceps.
Basically my experience has been smashing the tricep exercises had no carryover to raw bench. Geared bench, I'm guessing it probably would.
Focusing on full ROM bench exercises worked much better.