The only supplement that will significantly increase testosterone is testosterone
Synthetic testosterone is not a supplement its a drug.
res100 must be doing something right I have never seen any other testosterone booster that has so many blood tests and reviews see here: Res100 Reviews and Blood Tests
You do know what the words "supplement" and "drug" mean right?
wikipedia said:A dietary supplement, also known as food supplement or nutritional supplement, is a preparation intended to supplement the diet and provide nutrients, such as vitamins, minerals, fiber, fatty acids, or amino acids, that may be missing or may not be consumed in sufficient quantities in a person's diet.
wikipedia said:A drug is a substance which may have medicinal, intoxicating, performance enhancing or other effects when taken or put into a human body or the body of another animal and is not considered a food or exclusively a food.
O.N wasn't Optimum nutrition just sued for false advertising?
What makes it so expensive?
Right that is a dietary supplement
Now look up what a supplement is
Dude, where are you getting those prices from.It is $89.95 and lasts you 50 days in terms of other testosterone boosters and cortisol control products all wrapped up into 1 product in the Australian market it isn't a very high cost. Also considering it is one of the only test boosters that has independent blood work from many people attached to it gives people confidence they are buying something which works.
If you wish to compare to other products:
Res100 50 day supply $89.95, 50-day supply cost per day $1.79
Muscletech Alpha Test $109.95, 56-day supply cost per day $1.96
PharmaFreak Test Freak $89.95, 30-day supply cost per day $2.99
Universal Animal Stak $79.95, 21-day supply cost per day $3.80
Biotest Tribex $79.95, 37-day supply cost per day $2.16
BSN EvoTest $59.95, 30-day supply cost per day $1.99
Ronnie Coleman Testogen XR $84.95, 30-day supply cost per day $2.83
I got them from another business not individuals selling them on ebay they are from Mr Supplements.Dude, where are you getting those prices from.
Alpha test is $59.00 at the bay. I didn't bother checking the rest.
sup·ple·ment (s p l -m nt). n. 1. Something added to complete a thing, make up for a deficiency, or extend or strengthen the whole.
Well Oni is a registered rustler
Seems to be effective![]()
are you seriously still on about this?
perhaps you can explain to the forum in your infinite wisdom the difference between a "supplement" and a "dietary supplement" and why you asked me the question if i knew what the difference was between a "supplement" and a "drug"..........
Your fight whatever you want to call it has no backbone....