wouldn't that be a battered sausage?Sometimes I roll around in flour after a shower and pretend to be a batterd fish
wouldn't that be a battered sausage?Sometimes I roll around in flour after a shower and pretend to be a batterd fish
wouldn't that be a battered sausage?
The point he is trying to make to you is the amount is not important coz its still supplementing regrrdless...
Some of you guys are being ridiculous
c-c-c-combo breaker
Apples and oranges mate, testosterone and protein are 2 different kettles of fish.
What i can say is the product does increase testosterone which is why it is so widely reviewed and blood tested, no other test booster has over 80 reviews i cannot even think of 1 which has 10 let alone any independent blood tests. If they do provide tests its usually there own made up bullshit, we have never had anything to hide so we have always encouraged people to get bloods done. People only ever give reviews if they are happy with something...clearly we have many happy people as goes with blood tests you are unlikely to get bloods done if you dont feel it working.
What you do with your higher testosterone levels is totally up to you, comparing it to protein is stupid.
As you should be aware a higher testosterone level will result in better long term gains, a higher rate of fat loss should this be your goal and greater libido.
Other benefits being cortisol control in res100 often result in less fatigue more endurance eg more sets, reps and better recovery. This has been noted in many people now, so yes the gains will come, you can recover better complete more sets and reps which will equal more gains and you have a clinically proven higher testosterone level in the gym which is 78% higher than the placebo group and a 30% lower cortisol level.
Further to this we have had several people clinically diagnosed as requiring HRT to have had my help and guidance to come off HRT and return 25+nmol/L blood level ranges.....this is someone who is suppose to be on HRT.....go figure!
More importantly the product was specifically designed for PCT and works very very well in terms of recovery. We have had people note that they have not lost any gains post cycle and in most cases continued to gain muscle during PCT, something noted as being uncommon for these guys on previous steroid cycles and PCT's. And those that have completed blood tests fantastic results 6-8 weeks post cycle.
Additionally it starts getting very interesting when we read the studies on it being able to be used as a HCG replacement, we have had only 1 blood test confirming this and several people's opinions but as you know 1 blood test and some opinions dont mean a whole lot...although this is not the products intended use.
All in all the product is very good and compared to other testosterone boosters it does far more and works far better and is better value for money.
Lastly you also have the many health benefits from the product, we have had old men with enlarged prostates tell us they get up several times per night to urinate to now not need to get up at all as res has been shown to shrink the prostate, we have people saying they generally feel better and sense of well being, some people say they have a better persona about them, almost all people say they sleep better and have less anxiety almost all say they do not get sick while taking it and feel in perfect health.
As you should know resveratrol has many many health benefits.
How about you give ONI a free 6 week trial where he will get bloods done at he's own doctor before and then after the 6 week trial. I'm a bit skeptic that a legal product can have so many great and high t level results and still be legal.
Only positive trails published gives awesome looking results.
Looks like the flue dude had test flue haha
Dude a vitamin e pill that will replace hrt and pct...that totally seems legit...not!!!
Just give ONI the trial mate if its as good as u say it is then u will have no doubts letting him try it coz u would of a large base of regular clients hence alot of cash flow to find a 90 dollar trial for our curiosity and providing us all with a legitimate out come. If u don't its up to but if you put your money where your mouth is you won't back down..that's what this thread was about.
mighty powerful stuff that Res.Maybe the other 2 died.
Fuck it. Why not stick my 2 cents in.
While not supporting Res100 I think the three trials were a complete balls up:
1. Ghostrun and his eat pizza and not workout regime whilst sick with the flu trial - O.N. would be within his rights to take a baseball bat to Ghostrun.
2. Icefrye took the free product and ran without following through with on his side of the bargain - O.N. would be within his rights to take a baseball bat to Icefrye too.
3. Righthook (or is that left uppercut) he just miracously appeared when O.N. started spruking this product then just as miraciously disappeared straight afterwards.