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Taurus: very well arrange weetbix :)

Undercover: That is my kind of meal but from lessons learnt in the past I don't eat pop tarts too close to bed time. The sugar seems to keep me awake. Any other time is all good though :p

bacon/egg white salad with sriracha

frozen pineapple

overnight sweet potato/peanut/maple oats with PB, berries & cinnamon

CnC proats with marshmallow white choc pop tart
Taurus: very well arrange weetbix :)

Undercover: That is my kind of meal but from lessons learnt in the past I don't eat pop tarts too close to bed time. The sugar seems to keep me awake. Any other time is all good though :p

Nothing beats a bowl of weetbix, ice cold milk, sugar, banana and honey....

Yeah was a bit late for a sugar hit, I had also just had 400g salmon so was trying to get the fish taste out before bed. I'm getting into this habit of having a treat each night (IIFIYM) essentially. Still feel guilty but. Those are the toastie tarts from woollies, not the original Pop Tarts but.
The woolies ones in choc/strawberry are very similar in flavour but the apple cinnamon are no where near as good as Kelloggs IMO.

IIFYM for the win :)
The woolies ones in choc/strawberry are very similar in flavour but the apple cinnamon are no where near as good as Kelloggs IMO.

IIFYM for the win :)

Easy was to smash 200 calories :-) yeah IIFYM done with IF is one of the weirdest/strangest/fantastic/awesome eating styles I have ever heard/done. Suits me 9.99/10
2 double quarterpounders for lunch for a sneaky 1700 cal

Even though I'm an IIFYM guy, I can't handle that hey :p I still prefer "clean" stuff most of the time I guess. And 1700cals gone in seconds doesn't sit all that well with me haha.

sweet onion chicken teriyaki Tim?
Even though I'm an IIFYM guy, I can't handle that hey :p I still prefer "clean" stuff most of the time I guess. And 1700cals gone in seconds doesn't sit all that well with me haha.

sweet onion chicken teriyaki Tim?

That's why I go normal cheeseburgers. 6 for 1700 calories. Feels like your eating more.
Haven't eaten any shit for ages but just had a Double from KFC, they are back.
Mrs saw the sign and grabbed me one, she knows how much I love them.
Really good! Very light and easy to digest. Don't get that heavy 'carb' feeling after you eat normal pasta. Bur Mixed with lots of mince I could hardy taste them was the only downside.

Ok cool. We've tried the slim pasta, wonder of its like that.
Was driving today and raging for a quick protein hit. Grabbed a $3 Maccas Double Bacon Cheeseburger. Coulda had 5 of them.
Haven't eaten any shit for ages but just had a Double from KFC, they are back.
Mrs saw the sign and grabbed me one, she knows how much I love them.

Fuck yeah you just made my friday lunch awesome thanks grippy. Funniest part is they got hammered for the double but nutritionally its better then a normal burger.

Fucking maimstream media
Fuck yeah you just made my friday lunch awesome thanks grippy. Funniest part is they got hammered for the double but nutritionally its better then a normal burger.

Fucking maimstream media

Depends what you say is "better". It's all about context really.

Works burger is 29P/56C/24F
Double down seems to be 52P/18C/37F (11g saturated and .5g trans fat)(couldn't find it on KFC Oz site)

Interestingly, none of the "normal" burgers get more than 35g of protein.

So it depends if you want a higher fat or carb option really. I think I'll give it a miss though as the last time I had one, it didn't agree with me. My body rejects KFC for some reason :p
Depends what you say is "better". It's all about context really.

Works burger is 29P/56C/24F
Double down seems to be 52P/18C/37F (11g saturated and .5g trans fat)(couldn't find it on KFC Oz site)

Interestingly, none of the "normal" burgers get more than 35g of protein.

So it depends if you want a higher fat or carb option really. I think I'll give it a miss though as the last time I had one, it didn't agree with me. My body rejects KFC for some reason :p

Personally for me it's always a battle to keep my carbs down. Double down for the win.
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