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In fact I will post weekly, a chapter from the two bulletins in another thread If people are interested.

That would be wonderful Andy, I for one would highly appreciate an in-depth look at a training technique that seams so misunderstood.

Thanks mate
That would be wonderful Andy, I for one would highly appreciate an in-depth look at a training technique that seams so misunderstood.

Thanks mate

Ok, it's a pleasure.
I believe Arthur Jones changed the way we look at exercise.

It was people like, Mentzner, McRobert, liestner and Ellington Darden that added their variations, and of course many others that where influenced by Jones.

He wrote in a very harsh and confronting manner, basically calling most idiots, fools and liars.
He wasn't well liked by many.
i'm usually hitting one body part per fortnight.

this feels like its too infrequent and somehow i feel sluggish. like its too long between workouts.

my goals are size and strength.
i'm usually hitting one body part per fortnight.

this feels like its too infrequent and somehow i feel sluggish. like its too long between workouts.

my goals are size and strength.

whoa... that's a long period of rest in the middle. How often do you work out in a week?
whoa... that's a long period of rest in the middle. How often do you work out in a week?

about 2 x gym sessions. the other days are moderate cardio or rest.

might be time to go on a m-w-s or m-w-f type of split but lately havent been able to get in the right groove.

i need to get stronger on all the main lifts and build my back up as much as possible.

quads and shoulders are not really priority body parts for me so i was thinking about doing them in the same workout since i'm only doing presses, upright rows and rear delts. 2 exercises for quads and 2 for hamstrings.
about 2 x gym sessions. the other days are moderate cardio or rest.

might be time to go on a m-w-s or m-w-f type of split but lately havent been able to get in the right groove.

i need to get stronger on all the main lifts and build my back up as much as possible.

quads and shoulders are not really priority body parts for me so i was thinking about doing them in the same workout since i'm only doing presses, upright rows and rear delts. 2 exercises for quads and 2 for hamstrings.

With that sort of infrenquency you probably should be doing a full body workout.

ie Squat, Bench + assistance on the one day and Deadlift, Press + assistance on another.

So lets say... Day 1 Squat, Lunge Variation, Bench, Dumbell Incline Press, Row or Chin Variation... Day 2 Deadlift, Hamstring Variation, Shoulder Press, Upright Row
about 2 x gym sessions. the other days are moderate cardio or rest.

might be time to go on a m-w-s or m-w-f type of split but lately havent been able to get in the right groove.

i need to get stronger on all the main lifts and build my back up as much as possible.

quads and shoulders are not really priority body parts for me so i was thinking about doing them in the same workout since i'm only doing presses, upright rows and rear delts. 2 exercises for quads and 2 for hamstrings.

PERSONALLY (and I might get flamed for this) but I wouldn't bother with upright rows. I don't like the position that they put your shoulders in. They aren't bad as a lightweight final burner, but since the idea to ensure proper form is to drive elbows as high as possible, you tend to increase the internal angle of rotation in the shoulder and weaken it. Slap on some heavy weight, and I believe you're looking for an AC joint injury.

If you've got back problems, I wouldn't recommend heavy OHP or Military Presses until you've gained enough strength in your supporting back muscles to perform them safely. Smith or BB Seated Presses to the front are both good options for a major - with side laterals or leaning side laterals good options for side delts. Rear delts can be performed on either a rear delt fly machine, bent over standing with DBs, bent over seated, or to an extent as Wide Grip (and wide elbow) BB Rows to the chest.

Good luck in strengthening that back - I know the trouble that you're going through if you've injured it in any way
PERSONALLY (and I might get flamed for this) but I wouldn't bother with upright rows. I don't like the position that they put your shoulders in. They aren't bad as a lightweight final burner, but since the idea to ensure proper form is to drive elbows as high as possible, you tend to increase the internal angle of rotation in the shoulder and weaken it. Slap on some heavy weight, and I believe you're looking for an AC joint injury.

If you've got back problems, I wouldn't recommend heavy OHP or Military Presses until you've gained enough strength in your supporting back muscles to perform them safely. Smith or BB Seated Presses to the front are both good options for a major - with side laterals or leaning side laterals good options for side delts. Rear delts can be performed on either a rear delt fly machine, bent over standing with DBs, bent over seated, or to an extent as Wide Grip (and wide elbow) BB Rows to the chest.

Good luck in strengthening that back - I know the trouble that you're going through if you've injured it in any way

thanks for that. but actually the problem is back muscle growth altogether. although i did wreck my back in november last year (not training related)
You had to start over at 60kg?
Sweet jesus

yep. at the point where i stopped training seriously, i was pulling 180kg on my way to 200kg. if i tried heavy stuff now my bicep would likely tear off. tomorrow i will pull 80kg and then in a few more weeks get up to 100kg. i completely have to re-learn the lift again.

i competed in 06 (avatar pic) then after that went straight back into "off season" training, did that for 6 months then thought to myself "what the f-ck am i doing???" then stopped all bodybuilding completely and didn't train seriously until start of this year.

i stayed really lean during all that time probably about 8% bodyfat, i did mostly long aggressive cardio sessions, body weight exercises and ate a piss poor diet of whatever the hell i wanted. was still eating lots of protein but bad quality like canned tuna, home brand eggs and protein bars would also have lots of meat, chicken and seafood cooked at home, that was top grade though.

i need to work back up slowly again because i can't just increase the weights too fast. i've already had a few injuries since i got back and thats too much too early. everything feels like its about to break or snap as it is now.
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