1. I would not drop my food to more than (say) a 200 calorie below maintenance.
2. There is no need to kill yourself to lose fat. The body loves to hang on to its homeostasis state, and it takes some coaxing to get it to budge. So bit of patience would go a very long way indeed to have you realise your goal weight.
3. I would say that 100 burpees 3x/week is a bit on the extreme side and would rather see you do HIIT + HFT to speed up your metabolism. Please take another look at this Let’s Lose Some Fat Mass… and try to not underestimate the active recovery (the other non high intensity section of exercise where you're aim to recover just enough for another all out 10 seconds effort).
4. Don't think "it's only 10 minutes" of which only 100 seconds are an all-out effort. But rather think of the cumulative effect this type/method of working out (HIIT+HFT) would have on your overall metabolism speed.
5. Think of it like putting money in the bank on a daily basis (few times a day), and what that would mean in (say) 4, 6, or 12 months time!
All the best.
Thanks Fadi.
I read it and i will do burpees for 10 seconds and then walk for 50 seconds. It seems a bit easy reading it but im sure after i do it, it wont be easy

I will up my food intake as well, 2 fried eggs oh yeah
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