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4 Day Split: need advice

I'm going to throw in my 20c as we've made things confusing anyway. If I was a bodybuilder doing a split I'd do pull ups over chins. They have more lat emphasis, lats being an area where most people suck and biceps being an area which commands far too much attention anyway.

I don't buy the safety issue - a pronated grip is very, very natural.
i like now youve put flat bench before incline, flat should be the focus and incline is just assistance. I would start with some mil press on your shoulder day though.
Haha, you're so right! I'm going to sign up with Poliquin for some fat spot reduction and 'biosignature' analysis. Apparently I can get even faster results than on the reality TV shows, and, he even tells me the fat isn't my fault!!
A quick fix AND i've been absolved of personal responsibility for my situation. Charles even has his own supplementation line that is better than anything else available.
Where do I sign????

I dont mean to be getting of topic but, are you fricken serious???? You obviously don't have a clue, or you are ill imformed. Charles is one of the world's best (one of, i didnt say the best) strength and conditioning coaches. to right him off like that makes so sound like a dick.

"Among his most notable clients are these athletes:
  • Pierre Lueders, Olympic gold medalist and multiple World Cup medal winner in two-man bobsleigh
  • Al MacInnis, Olympic gold medalist; St. Louis Blues; Norris Trophy winner; strongest slap-shot in the NHL
  • Edgar Martinez, one of baseball’s highest ranked right-handed hitters.
  • Adam Nelson, two-time Olympic medalist and world champion in shot put
  • Joe Nieuwendyk, Olympic gold medalist; Dallas Stars; Conn Smythe Trophy winner; Stanley Cup winner
  • Nanceen Perry, World record holder, 4 x 200m
  • Dwight Phillips, Olympic gold medalist and world champion in long jump
  • Chris Pronger, Olympic gold medalist; Colorado and St. Louis Blues; Norris and Hart Trophy winner
  • Chris Thorpe, Olympic silver and bronze medalist, doubles luge "
This is the tip of the iceberg mate. I'd let his results speak for themself.

I'm going to throw in my 20c as we've made things confusing anyway. If I was a bodybuilder doing a split I'd do pull ups over chins. They have more lat emphasis, lats being an area where most people suck and biceps being an area which commands far too much attention anyway.

I don't buy the safety issue - a pronated grip is very, very natural.


I dont mean to be getting of topic but, are you fricken serious???? You obviously don't have a clue, or you are ill imformed. Charles is one of the world's best (one of, i didnt say the best) strength and conditioning coaches. to right him off like that makes so sound like a dick.

"Among his most notable clients are these athletes:
  • Pierre Lueders, Olympic gold medalist and multiple World Cup medal winner in two-man bobsleigh
  • Al MacInnis, Olympic gold medalist; St. Louis Blues; Norris Trophy winner; strongest slap-shot in the NHL
  • Edgar Martinez, one of baseball’s highest ranked right-handed hitters.
  • Adam Nelson, two-time Olympic medalist and world champion in shot put
  • Joe Nieuwendyk, Olympic gold medalist; Dallas Stars; Conn Smythe Trophy winner; Stanley Cup winner
  • Nanceen Perry, World record holder, 4 x 200m
  • Dwight Phillips, Olympic gold medalist and world champion in long jump
  • Chris Pronger, Olympic gold medalist; Colorado and St. Louis Blues; Norris and Hart Trophy winner
  • Chris Thorpe, Olympic silver and bronze medalist, doubles luge "
This is the tip of the iceberg mate. I'd let his results speak for themself.


It's all from his website or claims in articles he's written. He might have trained some succesful athletes but so have other coaches who haven't sold out and made ridiculous claims.
I don't have a problem with the concept of 'TUT', but time worrying about it doesn't belong in a relative beginner's program, End of story.
It's all from his website or claims in articles he's written. He might have trained some succesful athletes but so have other coaches who haven't sold out and made ridiculous claims.
I don't have a problem with the concept of 'TUT', but time worrying about it doesn't belong in a relative beginner's program, End of story.

agree to disagree.
we have both wasted too much time on this dispute.

agree for end of story.

I friend who is donig the Pol. certs told me that doing zoofman curls would give me an extra 20kg in my deadlift.
Zottman curls

Searching "zoofman curls" gets me this thread: [ame=http://www.google.com.au/search?q=zoofman+curl&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a#hl=en&safe=off&client=firefox-a&hs=cvu&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&&sa=X&ei=84YdTYiRAobRcfSh6fML&ved=0CBgQvgUoAA&q=zoofman+curl&nfpr=1&fp=afd4c6306b032197]zoofman curl - Google Search[/ame]
yer thats them lol, would they work the muscles inside my muscles and give me +20kg on my deadlift, I think not.

Oh another thing, I was told they must be done kneeling on the floor, I was too flabbergasted to point out, that that would be worse than doing them standing.
Check out O.P. [MENTION=3627]Silverback[/MENTION];

"Good ole Collingwood forever, we know how to play the game".