Main stream brands? Have you no idea the crap they put into most of them?
Your comparing a country of 20 million people to America and France. Your comparing a country that has heavy import fees due to our strict customs which I would NOT change as protecting our country from anything from drugs to agricultural diseases is of high priority.
Clothes? You validated my point. If you payy a Mexican four dollars and hour and don't give him holiday pay and he makes 4 t shirts an hour how does that compare to an Australian who is on 20 an hour, getting holiday and sick pay, entitled to stress leave and maternity pay. The cost is much higher yeah? Take the Mexican out of the equation Americas minimum wage is tiny.
America is also a coutry of 200 million people which leads to thicker competition in that sort of industry.
If you buy a kilo of Austrlian protein let's break it down... The shop you buy it from has overheads, they had to freight it from the producer, the producer of the protein has overheads and all the while both companies need to make some form of profit to make it worth while to be in business. With a country of 20 million there is a limited market as most of those people are fat and lazy. I highly doubt Australias protein exports are keeping them afloat. There is also strong competition is Australia in the supplement industry and they couldn't be all price fixing could they? Could it be that they aren't trying to rip us off they are trying to run a business./
If you want to buy American that's fine and Shrek can you please stop trying to sensor my opinion as I feel passionate about this and I'm not making him buy Australian I'm just saying he would be stupid not too.
Buy some American stack! Go for it! Read the side of the tub and here all it's wonderful, muscle building, side splitting benefits.
Or buy Australian where the only sales pitch you read is a no bull attitude towards the quality of the protein due to the hi tech way of processing it.
Horleys they are an nz brand. I was so surprised after reading the side of one of their tubs. They didn't say I would be huge if I took it, they didn't mention the anabolic properties or anything like that.
Everytime you spend money it's like placing a vote(food matters). That's who you vote for and what you believe. So cast your vote and if it's for American suppliers so be it but I believe you are better off buying bulk Austrlian and mixing your own supplements for price and for health reasons.
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