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I always take, multis, vit c, garlic, b vits etc etc all yr round.

And yes atm being sick is easier lol
I always take, multis, vit c, garlic, b vits etc etc all yr round.

And yes atm being sick is easier lol

Yeah but are you taking the right amounts... If soneonesaid to you yeH they are working out. And taking a protein powder,then they tell u they are tAking 5g per dAy of it might not be enough.. Yous bodies need for certain vitAmins can be 1000 times normal when you are unwell.. Vitamin c you may need 50g in one dAy when unwell..
Posted via Mobile Device
Yeah but are you taking the right amounts... If soneonesaid to you yeH they are working out. And taking a protein powder,then they tell u they are tAking 5g per dAy of it might not be enough.. Yous bodies need for certain vitAmins can be 1000 times normal when you are unwell.. Vitamin c you may need 50g in one dAy when unwell..
Posted via Mobile Device

I'll be taking more! lol
Most days go:
4 weetbix with full cream milk or oats with full cream milk
protein shake
2 wholemeal ham, cheese and salad sandwiches
2 cans of tuna (small cans)
2 pieces of fruit (usually banana and apple)
Sometimes a treat
Afternoon snack:
Can of tuna or noodles
Meat and veg!!!!
Before bed:
Protein shake

On training days also have a protein shake straight after gym.

What do yous guys think?
Yeah but are you taking the right amounts... If soneonesaid to you yeH they are working out. And taking a protein powder,then they tell u they are tAking 5g per dAy of it might not be enough.. Yous bodies need for certain vitAmins can be 1000 times normal when you are unwell.. Vitamin c you may need 50g in one dAy when unwell..
Posted via Mobile Device

Im taking just over 700x "RDI" of vitamin c atm lol.
Most days go:
4 weetbix with full cream milk or oats with full cream milk
protein shake
2 wholemeal ham, cheese and salad sandwiches
2 cans of tuna (small cans)
2 pieces of fruit (usually banana and apple)
Sometimes a treat
Afternoon snack:
Can of tuna or noodles
Meat and veg!!!!
Before bed:
Protein shake

On training days also have a protein shake straight after gym.

What do yous guys think?

Eat vegetables or fruit with every meal... Add legumes beans and shit like that. Hommus on wholemeal leb bread is nice... You are basically haveing no antioxidants or phytochemicals until you peices of fruit half way through theyday.. So you are not even meeting the crappy governments standards in regard to vege intake... and their standard LOW
30 cans of 185gms Sole Mare tuna at $1.59 each..Bargain.


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No. I have learnt to take the emotion out of eating. I eat what my body needs not what tastebuds desire. I save that for a treat once in a while.

Anyhow, the chili tuna is fan-friggin-tastic. :)
Woke up late so it was a bit of a rush...

Breakfast: 4 weetabix, 2 scoops of WPI, 3 glasses of milk, 1/2 scoop of cocao powder

Lunch: 300g of chicken breast fried in olive oil and coated in hummus

Dinner: (ate in 5 minutes cause of work) 250g of mince, half a bowl of pasta, glass of milk

Shift work: 250g of chicken breast fried in olive oil, two cokes (the cokes were bad but our boss took the shift tonight and i was ****ed. will buy a litre of milk next time)

After shift: 250g of chicken breast fried in olive oil, glass of milk, cup of tea.
Woke up late so it was a bit of a rush...

Breakfast: 4 weetabix, 2 scoops of WPI, 3 glasses of milk, 1/2 scoop of cocao powder

Lunch: 300g of chicken breast fried in olive oil and coated in hummus

Dinner: (ate in 5 minutes cause of work) 250g of mince, half a bowl of pasta, glass of milk

Shift work: 250g of chicken breast fried in olive oil, two cokes (the cokes were bad but our boss took the shift tonight and i was ****ed. will buy a litre of milk next time)

After shift: 250g of chicken breast fried in olive oil, glass of milk, cup of tea.

Weetbix now make no added sodium sugar version..

I sitll dont understand they they added those 2 things in the first placre. Check them out

Meal 1:
1 cup oats

Meal 2:
250g mince

Meal 3:
big ass protein shake

Meal 4:
250g mince

Meal 5:

Meal 6:
scoop of protein

1st day back into it after about 4 days - been sick as a dog! - still not training but getting diet back on track.
This is my cutting diet....

Meal 1 5am
(Shake blended)
a cup oats
250 ml water
1 scoop protein
1 handfull goji berries
1 cup bran

730 am after training
1 scoop protein with water

185gram sole mare tuna withe brocoli or salad

as above

as above

1 scoop whey in water

7.00 pm
250 gram of kanga or chicken breast or lean rump with vegie and or salad

830 before bed..
150 gram low fat cottage cheese.
Meal 1 (8am): 4 weetbix, skim milk, banana

Meal 2 (10am): 30gm WPC shake, skim milk

Meal 3 (12pm): Pasta with bolognaise type sauce (lots of prime mince, grated carrots, tomatos, garlic, onions and a tablespoon of tomato paste)

Meal 4 (2pm): Two handfulls of roasted almonds, 200ml organic natural yoghurt, banana

Meal 5 (4pm): 30gm WPC shake, skim milk


Meal 6 (7pm): Dinner. Don't know yet. Meat and veg?

Meal 7 (10pm): Casein MPI shake with skim milk and creatine, 3 fish oil tabs, 1 multi tab.

Just easing back into it. Still a bit all over the place, no protein at breakfast to talk of which is a bit lazy.

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2x natural penut butter on wholemeal toast,
Big bowl of fruit salad

Lean mince beef /pasta and sauce,

Turkey,cottage cheese and salad sandwich on wholemeal bread

ON protein shake and tin of tuna


ON protein shake straight after and a handfull of dates
Chicken, sweet potato, broccali and carrots

and a protein shake in the evening,
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