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Wow after reading through this epic thread its nice to see some passion,

In my opinion theres 3 catogories,



and dickheads running around fitness first doing pecdeck and curls for an hour.

Some guys get good results from splits ,(myself included) but i didnt start that way.

A newbie is better off using DL/SQ/BENCH AND MILITARY PRESS, (classic powerlifting moves) to gain size and strength,and like andy touched on the nervous, skeletol systems.

These basic powerlifting moves offer more everyday strength, rather than a big bicep.

I still squat on leg day, bench on chest day and do my deads on back day, im as strong as i want to be, as big as i want to be,

Could i have gained my 25kgs doing a split from the start ?????

hey guys, quick questions doing split routines?
are they effective with building mass, because everybody i have asked at the gym etc all do split routines and i just wanted to know!
i know you need your squats, deadlifts, bench press etc but do you need the other exercises to , to build effective mass?
so my question is , are you waisting your time doing split routines or not?

"Try it and find out!” are probably the simplest words ever spoken yet by far.

Can be the most influential.
A few people who were fond of compound lifts and who all began their careers doing mainly full-body workouts, some of whom may be familiar to readers.








But I guess no-one would want to follow in the footsteps of those puny fucks.

So your saying none of these guys ever did a split workout routine????
Where did he say that?
Clearly it states they STARTED with full body workouts
Not having a dig but in future please make further efforts to fully understand ones post before replying :)
So your saying none of these guys ever did a split workout routine????
I realise the pictures were pretty, but you should still read what I wrote.

"all began their careers doing mainly full-body workouts"

Shane7 also has reading comprehension difficulties, so I repeated and explained things for him, too, here.

Perhaps I need to express it many different ways until you understand it.

Start with the basics. START with the basics.
commence with the basics
embark upon your lifting career with the basics.
establish your strength and muscular development with the basics
found yourself upon the basics
get going with the basics
get under way with the basics
hit the road with the basics
inaugurate things with the basics
initiate your big chesticles and broceps with the basics ,
institute your physique with the basics
set in motion your bodybuilding career with the basics
set out with the basics
take the first step with the basics

"The basics" means a routine of doing a deep knee-bend, picking something heavy up off the ground and putting something heavy overhead, doing all three movements in every session, and in every session trying to lift more weight or the same weight more times than you did before.

The three movements have many exercises which would qualify, and it's no big drama if you have a few different exercises for each movement; but you should nonetheless stick to just a few and try to progress the resistance.

Begin with the basics.

Clear now? If it is not clear, then I recommend you focus on the thread about tits where people with nothing to contribute to discussions about physical training like to congregate.
I realise the pictures were pretty, but you should still read what I wrote.

"all began their careers doing mainly full-body workouts"

Shane7 also has reading comprehension difficulties, so I repeated and explained things for him, too, here.

Perhaps I need to express it many different ways until you understand it.

Start with the basics. START with the basics.
commence with the basics
embark upon your lifting career with the basics.
establish your strength and muscular development with the basics
found yourself upon the basics
get going with the basics
get under way with the basics
hit the road with the basics
inaugurate things with the basics
initiate your big chesticles and broceps with the basics ,
institute your physique with the basics
set in motion your bodybuilding career with the basics
set out with the basics
take the first step with the basics

"The basics" means a routine of doing a deep knee-bend, picking something heavy up off the ground and putting something heavy overhead, doing all three movements in every session, and in every session trying to lift more weight or the same weight more times than you did before.

The three movements have many exercises which would qualify, and it's no big drama if you have a few different exercises for each movement; but you should nonetheless stick to just a few and try to progress the resistance.

Begin with the basics.

Clear now? If it is not clear, then I recommend you focus on the thread about tits where people with nothing to contribute to discussions about physical training like to congregate.

Are you gay?

You seem to dislike the boobies...
I realise the pictures were pretty, but you should still read what I wrote.

"all began their careers doing mainly full-body workouts"

Shane7 also has reading comprehension difficulties, so I repeated and explained things for him, too, here.

Perhaps I need to express it many different ways until you understand it.

Start with the basics. START with the basics.
commence with the basics
embark upon your lifting career with the basics.
establish your strength and muscular development with the basics
found yourself upon the basics
get going with the basics
get under way with the basics
hit the road with the basics
inaugurate things with the basics
initiate your big chesticles and broceps with the basics ,
institute your physique with the basics
set in motion your bodybuilding career with the basics
set out with the basics
take the first step with the basics

"The basics" means a routine of doing a deep knee-bend, picking something heavy up off the ground and putting something heavy overhead, doing all three movements in every session, and in every session trying to lift more weight or the same weight more times than you did before.

The three movements have many exercises which would qualify, and it's no big drama if you have a few different exercises for each movement; but you should nonetheless stick to just a few and try to progress the resistance.

Begin with the basics.

Clear now? If it is not clear, then I recommend you focus on the thread about tits where people with nothing to contribute to discussions about physical training like to congregate.

I wasnt asking what i should start with at the gym, i asked if any of the guys in the pics ever do split routines. So after four or five paragraphs of bullsh*t that i already know you didnt even answer my question. You did imply that they do use split routines though.

So if those guys use split routines i would say that a split routine can be effective in building mass, wouldnt you?
I wasnt asking what i should start with at the gym, i asked if any of the guys in the pics ever do split routines. So after four or five paragraphs of bullsh*t that i already know you didnt even answer my question. You did imply that they do use split routines though.

So if those guys use split routines i would say that a split routine can be effective in building mass, wouldnt you?

Thats like saying an advanced driving training course for a race car driver is ok for a zimbabwean who doesnt know what a car is.
Thats like saying an advanced driving training course for a race car driver is ok for a zimbabwean who doesnt know what a car is.

No its not, I use a whole boy workout three times a week but i have used split routines in the past with good results, and i know and see alot of people using split routines effectively. These people are not proffessional bodybuilders or anything of the sort.

Do you really think if i take someone off the street who doesnt work out at all and give them a good split routine and they train hard and eat right that they are not going to have any progress? Cause i say thats crap.
We aren't driving cars we are building body's.

I would take a guess and say that those particular fellows pictured have tried everything.

Which works best? That particular statement has created much controversy for many many years.

My take on it is this.
If you are one of the 99999.9 % of the population that posses (which I strongly doubt any of us here are) the unique characturistics of being a individual with outstanding development for the bodybiulding peagent then you are going to do well regardless of what protocol you use.

The difference between a full-body and a split, or what I like to call a full-body with an emphasis on a body part workout is efficiency.

For the rest of us?
Just get in the gym and workout like your life depends on it, because it does.
Make sure the intensity of WORK is the highest for YOU.
Intensity is subjective, but results are tangible.

Finally, we can only reflect from our own experience, experience comes from working with a wide variety of individuals, we are not cars or machines, we are all so vastly different.

But as I tell people:
So, if you cannot trust or believe anybody else then why should you believe me?
You should not believe me, but it might not hurt to at least listen to what I have to say, having done so then think about it and put it to the test.

Then if it works, keep it

And if it doesn't work then try something else
As nobody can tell you what's best for you, but some can at least point out what to avoid.
I will stand by my statement, that most of those blokes are big and beautiful in spite of their workouts rather than because of it.
No its not, I use a whole boy workout three times a week but i have used split routines in the past with good results, and i know and see alot of people using split routines effectively. These people are not proffessional bodybuilders or anything of the sort.

Do you really think if i take someone off the street who doesnt work out at all and give them a good split routine and they train hard and eat right that they are not going to have any progress? Cause i say thats crap.

Some will have sweet fuck all progress.

I know Because I have done it myself and tried with other people.
I know what works for me for what I want. I want the body of a male model, that means abs, pecs, shoulders etc, great definition to be more important than size however size is important :p

I have achieved a lot of this through diet and constant training. The main things that are important are simply train regular and train hard, eat less often and eat small.

The best results from eating was when I used calorieking.com, great website that is really easy to use and helps you through everything. From training was 3 days a week simply because its easier than training more often and plenty of HIIT.

Splits are great if your very focussed and have time to eat everything needed and take the right supps all day and have plenty of time to sleep and other times to rest. Unfortunatley I work physical 9 hour days so its hard to rest up enough.

If your serious about BBing a split is the way to go, but more important is sleep and rest. If you can't get enough BBing is impossible.