It get people fit and lifting so it deserves a name.
I've been following crossfit's progression for a long time and although I've never done it I have a fair idea of what its about and how its performed. I am aware that there are good coaches who have transformed the original mess into something useful and progressive and safe, but I'm also aware that for every good coach there are 20 retards in their $1000 t-shirts who have just jumped on the bandwagon out of zealotry or greed.
Technically I perform "crossfit" in my training, although I've personally always referred to it as conditioning complexes, something I started doing well before some fat egomaniacal fuck decide to label it and market it.
I like exercise, I like that crossfit has got a lot of people under the bar and into the gym, I like that it gets you fit and ripped, I like that it makes chicks hot, etc.
It attracts douchebags who are just looking for the next hip gimmick
It is in general poorly structured
Its all about the money
It claims to create elite athletes, it does not, it has elite athletes join who become elite crossfitters, no elite crossfitter has made a crossover into another sport just through training crossfit
It chews up and spits out good coaches and experts
It has kipping chin-ups!!!
Do you understand my distaste for it now?