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Why I dont deload my lifters

I was going to lock this thread thinking it has run its course, but I figured others had different definitions as to what deload means.

I explained why I dont deload my lifters, feel free to discuss why you guys do what you do.

I like your approach and I follow your principles to the letter now given the gains I have started making following your training, and more importantly eating, guidelines. So, I have a question if I may, what am I to do in my two weeks off after my PPP 11 week programme?

I accept that deloading is now a No-No, so am I to pick another exercise with carryover and hit it 100%?

This week I should hit my 140kg squat PB having just hit 137.5kg. I'm up from about 100kg in the last 9 months or so and loving it. I was planning on resting legs, i.e. deloading, and letting that niggling tickle in my left knee recover then come back and attack 150kg from week 1 PPP in two weeks time.

Based on everything you've written here, how would you recommend I approach my PPP two week break for squats?

Many thanks,

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Mike, whats YOUR definition of deload, seems everyone has their own.

Its more abused than core strength lol

I look at the total tonnage, volume x weight, and try and increase it all the time. For me, deloading would be dropping that tonnage.

So, I could go straight into my PPP 150kg programme and I wouldn't be deloading even though the weight is down because the volume in week 1 would mean my tonnage is still up.

That's why I was thinking of deloading for a couple of weeks before I launched PPP 150kg. I was going to try and ease the weight right back and work on some 20 rep squats but probably at a lower total tonnage than where I've been working PPP until now.

Hope that makes sense. Appreciate your expert guidance.

Are you still progressing Mike?

If so, why stop?

20 reppers are much, much harder than PPP, if you do them right and not softcockit

Do some BB for a week or two, use exercises you havent for the past 11 weeks, incline press, incline curls, tricep pressdown etc, just dont use that word, it has negative meaning to me

Deload - I've done pretty good for a few weeks, I think I deserve to drop the weight and reps as a reward, train like I used to when I didnt make any progress.

If your putting 400kg on your back every week or pulling 350kg every week, you dont need my permission for ANYTHING, in fact no one does.

I just offer my opinions and what I do with my clients
That was a wet suit.

I'm sure Markos has the book "keys to progress".

If this book was read, there wouldn't be silly threads likes this.
Posted via Mobile Device
Yeah there would lol

Your underestimating the stupidity of the average weight trainer Mike.

Read the book again, do the characters remind of you of any people on here lol

Max has read it, he absolutely loves it. His favourite is the kid with the Reg Park training episode, waiting for the arms workout lol, Reg is finished and showering, the kids still waiting