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Who's having 2 meals a day?

So it's not actually 2 meals a day then ?

Well it would be. But I can't eat enough post surgery PB so the shake becomes part of my 2 meals a day.

I have a shake alongside my lunch.

And one alongside my dinner.

I'm not eating, waiting 2 hours, having a shake, eating, waiting 2 hours, having another shake.

All my cals go in, in 2 installments.

So I would argue that yes, I am actually doing to meals a day.

that'd be 2 meals then I suppose.

What's this whole '2 meals a day' thing anyway? Like....it seems a bit unnecessary.


Pete it just works better for some people, to have two huge calorie laden meals, rather than more than that throughout their day and schedule?

Everybody does something different. Some do 3 meals. Some do 6 or 7, sometimes even more than that.

I guess, finding something that fits into your lifestyle and schedule is important and as long as you're hitting your calorie requirements and macros - it doesn't matter how frequently or infrequently you're having an actual meal?

So in the end, it's just a matter of reps.

Some people do heavier meals, for low reps.

Some people do lighter meals, for high reps.

And then there are still others...who fall somewhere in between
I generally only have two solid meals a day, mid morning and dinner, but will have a shake first thing after getting up and a shake just before going to bed, so some would consider that four meals I guess

Nothing is set in stone for me, but the above will be the case 90% of the time, at the moment I am on holidays, so I have breakfast after getting up after a nice sleep in so around 9am, toast baked beans and bacon

When working I generally leave home at either 5am or 6am, depending what time I start, so will have a shake about 4:45am or 5:45am to keep me going till my mid morning meal. then next meal is between 6pm and 7pm, after my workout, then shake just before heading to bed at 10:30-11:30pm.

Can not eat too many real food meals a day, could not be bothered to be honest, not sure how people find the time to prepare and eat 5-7 meals a day.
Because it takes all of 10 minutes?

I thought this was relating to taking a shit at first haha.

P.S speed of food digestion relates to total cals ingested not meal timing. (well for me & from the research that I've read)

DKD: I definitely agree with the stomach shrinkage. I've had eating comps with a mate of mine as a 6+ meal a dayer and lost and now I'm IFing I can keep up haha.
I thought this was relating to taking a shit at first haha.

P.S speed of food digestion relates to total cals ingested not meal timing. (well for me & from the research that I've read)

I thought it was mostly an issue of how much and what is eaten. Fat obviously takes longer to turn into glucose than direct sources of carbohydrates.
I tend to have my food spread out during the day because I get heartburn and indigestion easily...although I do smash the odd massive meal lol...usually dinner
I thought it was mostly an issue of how much and what is eaten. Fat obviously takes longer to turn into glucose than direct sources of carbohydrates.

After doing Lyle McDonald's Rapid Fat Loss diet in which I consumed similar volume of food to what I normally do but with 30g net carbs per day and max of 30g fat and around 1200-1300 cals instead of my normal 2500-3000. Umm...things definitely slowed down. (and was having 2 fibre supps a day)

Wow, did this diet work?
Another +1 for leangains / rippedbody style of eating.

1 meal at 1pm and another at 7. If you like big meals its the way yo go.