To improve posture! Mmm, it’s a case of more of what not to do than what to do.
The human body and the chair (irrespective of what chair/couch/lounge) it is, were not designed for one another.
If you want your spine to love

you, make the floor your “chair” of choice whenever possible. Why is that and how does that help the spine through proper posture?
It’s the myriad of different positions you can get into whilst sitting on the floor, that saves your spine from injury.
Let’s make this fun, seriously, something you can share with your mates. Ask the following question/s: is walking good for the spine? How about sitting? Standing? Lying down? Have we covered everything, as far as something people do day in and day out? Ok then, what’s your answer?
My answer is, none of the above is going to make your spine jump with joy! What do you mean, what’s left to do then? When it comes to your spine, it’s not a case of what to do or what not to do, rather, it’s a case of “how”. I mean it’s all in the timing. Don’t believe me? Okie dokie, try this experiment. Stand … keep standing … now the thought of torture might start to cross your mind, and you might give all of your fortune just to be allowed to sit down.
Let’s reverse the game. Sit … keep sitting … stay sitting. I think you get the picture now. So it’s not the sitting standing lying down or walking that is the problem, it the act of PROLONGING whatever you choose to do that could turn the innocent into the guilty party.
Now you understand why I recommended sitting on the floor whenever possible. It’s because of the million different positions you can get into, preventing your muscles from getting tight from being stuck into one position for a prolonged period of time.
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