Shut up and eat your corn flakes Bazza
Corn flakes? I haven't eaten corn flakes for 10 years mate. Next.
I had boiled eggs, tuna and mixed veggies for lunch. Is that acceptable?
Shut up and eat your corn flakes Bazza
Corn flakes? I haven't eaten corn flakes for 10 years mate. Next.
I had boiled eggs, tuna and mixed veggies for lunch. Is that acceptable?
did you mix them clockwise or anti clockwise ?
I don't know how some of you can read so many articles about bullshit.
so many contradicting scientific studies out there, must drive you all mental.
I agree with Bazza, but only to an extent, as I'm someone who can maintain on 3000 calories.
I'm cutting on 2200 at the moment. I tried 1900 but felt too tired. I tried 2600 but stalled almost completely (lost like 0.2kg per week, too slow)
Even at 0.2kg per week is over 10kg a year, which is better than what most people do. People just want results too quick and then fuck themselves in the process.
Saturated fat intake is pretty much directly linked to strength, muscle mass and testosterone.
Indian strongmen (pehlwani) drink a shitload of milk and eat 5 litres of ghee a day and they are fucking jacked. Interestingly, they pick milk and ghee simply because training makes them hot and bothered- so they eat foods that balance this out which is as absurd as it it hilarious but it seems to work.
Yes, 5 LITRES of ghee a day. I don't know how much a litre of ghee weighs, but it's almost entirely saturated fat. If we are going by 5kg, that's pretty much 45,000kcal a day from a single food source. This is on top of milk, almonds with a little bit of meat
5kg of Ghee a day......Fuck ive heard it all now. How do you seriously believe this shit?
It is said that Sadhiki Pahalwan, a great wrestler of the late nineteenth century, consumed a canister (five kilograms) of ghi per day."
The Wrestler's Body: Identity and Ideology in North India - Joseph S. Alter - Google Books
"Wrestlers tend to increase the volume of consumption in proportion to the number of exercises they do in their vyayam (p. 126 ) regimen. There is no simple equation for this but wrestlers who do 1,500 dands and 3,000 bethaks consume about half a liter of ghi and two liters of milk per day. Since the amount of milk, ghi, and almonds one can eat is a direct reflection of one's strength, wrestlers tend to eat increasingly larger quantities of these items. In many respects being able to eat and digest half a liter of ghi per day is regarded as a kind of exercise in its own right. One must work up to this volume gradually. It is said that Sadhiki Pahalwan, a great wrestler of the late nineteenth century, consumed a canister (five kilograms) of ghi per day."
The Wrestler's Body: Identity and Ideology in North India - Joseph S. Alter - Google Books
As per usual Bazza, you're focusing on all the wrong shit