I'm going with chins/pullups. It is the only exercise that if I do 3-4 sets of to failure that I feel equally fatigued as had I done the same for squats. I find the chins, mainly palms out, really hammer the upper body including the core.
hmmm.... dips definitely up there but if one does pullups with grip variations, I'd say that would put pullups up there too
ie if you use a mix of underhand, overhand, neutral and axe grips AND you vary the width, you'd have a pretty full on upper body workout right there.
More muscleture seems to be loaded on the dip, that is all the muscles around the shoulder are working.
The moment arm in the chin-up is quite extreme.
The pullover can cause shoulder impingement as in towards full extension one needs to adjust the torso.
I don't think there is an answer, I think too much, and just say all are bloody good.
going to have to be dips
especially as you essentially squat down with your arms when you do it
How do you know this Onster?
What do you mean? You start with your shoulders and elbows locked out at the top (hips and knees in the squat) then bend at the joints until your shoulders go under your elbows (hips lower than knees in squat) then come back up again. Seems pretty similar to a squat in my head lol
Thanks Onster, will have to try it some day, Sounds really hard