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I have a question for the men of ausbb.

Ugly women yay or nay?

I am married nowadays (and shes a looker luckily, aging well too) but there was a stage as a young bloke where I spent a couple years only porking ugly women. The reasons were two fold. Firstly the ugly chicks were easy to get and i didn't have the money to pay for lookers even if i wanted to. Secondly i found the less fortunate looking girls made up for it in effort in the bedroom, also any company is preferable to a wank.

Now we all know ugly chicks are no good for dating cause well your friends and family will mock you, but in your experience are they better in the sack then the glamours.

Come at me with your opinions and experiences boys, and remember this is the internet so fugly lovers your shame will remain annonymous.

At least you understand what your wife has to go through...
As the hammer said, I know some guys who find some girls I think to be average very attractive. I think it also has a lot to do with how you perceive yourself on the scale of 1-10.

On a superficial note, I have never been able to pump an ugly. Zero desire to do so. When at uni years ago, I came up with a theory which all the boys enjoyed. Occasionally how attractive you find someone directly correlates to when you were last milked.

If you just let go of some of your ropes, exhibit A may only be a "6.5". If you've got 5 days of build up, your mind plays tricks on you. That 6.5 could turn into a 7.5, or possibly 8 if you're feeling like a raging bull. Those primal urges take over clarity, logic and reasoning.

*May or may not be fact.

Anyhow I have mates who believe a vagina not explored is a wasted opportunity, regardless of the woman attached to it. There's some merit to it I guess. I regret not taking a few opportunities - but sometimes when you really can't be farked wining and dining all for a healthy does of minge, rubbing one out and falling asleep gets the job done.

*This is a fun thread right, no serious? Do not take offense to the aforementioned.
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The prettiest girl I slept with was a dud root...I think you're onto something Brick

Your single now mate. Go forth and test the theory, at least you won't have to work too hard to find uglies. Be warned though it becomes addictive.
Maybe I should take on the harder challenge, find a hottie that is good in bed!!!
Nah...I might not get a root at all!!!
Maybe I should take on the harder challenge, find a hottie that is good in bed!!!
Nah...I might not get a root at all!!!

Be careful mate you find one of those you will end up married. We all know what happens then.
2 paper bags: 1 to put over her face, and 1 to put over yours in case hers breaks.

In all seriousness, my first girlfriend wasn't the prettiest person out there, and initially I wasn't physically attracted to her at all, but as I got to know her, her visual flaws seemed less flawish.
I met this chick a few years ago through a friend and we got along really well together. Looks wise, she wasn't in the same league as past girlfriends, put I thought she looked 'ok'. Well, that was until my parents and brother were like, WTF dude? and made some passing remarks about her looking like an old lady. And the more they talked about it, the more I could see they were right. Right there and then I had a huge face palm moment, and any remote romantic interest I might have had went to hell in a hand basket.

A few days later we were hanging out at her place and she made a move on me and I froze with awkwardness. I was like, holy fcuk, how do I get out of this and still be the nice guy????????????????

I didn't want to be a bastard so I tried to get into it... but it didn't work and the more I tried the worse it got. I tried playing with her boobs but they were like old saddlebags, she kissed like a fish and needed a wash and shave downstairs.

Anyway, not wanting to reject her, I figured I'd play along and then try to escape politely. But she wouldn't let up and I ended up staying the night and she spent most of it trying to get me hard and I spent most of it letting her and making excuses for being a limp MoFo. In the end I woke up in the morning, pushed my piss-fat into the small of her back and she didn't need to be told twice. About 1min later (including foreplay, of course) I rolled off and into the shower and B-lined it to work.

Many missed calls and unanswered text messages went by the wayside that day and I called the following day to say it wasn't going to work out between us. Poor girl almost hyperventilated on the other end of the phone and I spent the next 30min calming her down.

That incident taught me a lot.....
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older, in shape, but uglier/not as pretty women = best I've had, hands down.

Tried in the double-digits to confirm theory.

Young and absolutely gorgeous = dud, sometimes enthusiastic but too clumsy, thoughtless and expecting of you. PUT SOME MINGE INTO IT LOVE.