Where, CNN?It's the figure that has been reported in the media.

There have been many figures floating around
Where, CNN?It's the figure that has been reported in the media.
Where, CNN?
There have been many figures floating around
Learn to read boiIt's a number you plucked out of thin air
Building the wall, a centrepiece of Mr Trump’s immigration plan, would cost between $15 billion and $25 billion, with an annual maintenance cost of $700 million according to an estimate by Marc Rosenblum, the deputy director of the US Immigration Policy Program at the nonpartisan Migration Policy Institute, who is cited in the report.
And conveniently we all still ignore this..........
there are already walls and fences in place and have been for many years and a lot of it built during Obama's presidency, so the proposal is nothing new or astonishing
Low carb make you angry much????? ?Learn to read boi
There's only 700 miles of (mainly) fence covering the 1900 mile border between the 2 countries. What he's proposing is a 40 foot high wall across 1000 miles of that border and estimates put that cost at between 15 and 25 billion.
Why don't you do some critical thinking for yourself?
Low carb make you angry much????? [emoji47]
?lol hardly
Learn to read boi
One estimate among many, I've read other estimates that are below 8 billion
You've ignored one critical fact, the part where most of the existing fence was built during Obama's presidency.
Please don't say that in your mind it's okay when Obama does it but not Trump.
Why don't you do some critical thinking for yourself?
I do quite often thanks, son.
Donald Trump is an abhorrent human being.
Trump is now president whether we like it or not so instead of bitching and whining solely because of your own personal agenda, instead we should all be wanting him to succeed as the US president because if he does a good job then the people win.
Any other attitude just doesn't make sense.
Well that settles it then.
I couldn't give a fuck who the POTUS is and I think Obama was a pretty shitty president (not entirely his fault) and Hillary would have been even worse.So many sour grapes around here
Trump is now president whether we like it or not so instead of bitching and whining solely because of your own personal agenda, instead we should all be wanting him to succeed as the US president because if he does a good job then the people win.
Any other attitude just doesn't make sense.