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Argument isn't going anywhere now. It's over, Jw submitted a while back.
It's fortunate that people like you, for the most part, never end up in a position where they have any real influence or power. This world would be fucked if they did.
This is relevant to the discussion, Sam Harris on Orlando, islam and politics


Oh yes, Mr. Harris. The Muslim world needs more people like him. I could not go past listening to 1 minute and 16 seconds. My reasoning is I don't appreciate things being taken out of context to serve a particular purpose.

Let me explain.

The imam that was heard in this video has just left Australia few days ago. That imam belonged to the offshoot of mainstream Islam, i.e. he belonged to the Shia sect of Islam, a sect that governs the country of Iran, where they hang homosexuals in a public arena simply because they are homosexuals. Simply put, this imam was singing to the tune of Iran's strict rulings against homosexuality.

So what was taken out of context that put me off? The editing of this video and the insertion of the lecture that was given by this imam a while back (had nothing to do with the timing of the Orlando massacre). As I've said earlier, the sub-human who killed those innocent people belonged to Sunni Islam (even though this has not been mentioned anywhere in the media), I know so based on his name (Omar). I'll leave it here for now...
To say die young was inappropriate and not meant literally and I apologize for that, but that's about it. Your standard of reasoning and level of thinking is dangerously low. When I say dangerous I mean that literally. Your ignorance is like a cancer and any conversation your are involved in stagnates and consensus can never be reached. Stick to milking cows.
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I'll add also, you are the most miserable negative contrary persona I've ever come across. If you are genuinely like that I feel sorry for you and those close to you. If you would say that's not true or consider yourself a positive rational person then the question has to be asked - why do you come on here and front with your kunt persona wasting everybody's time? Be yourself, be reasonable, or fuck off. If you get off on annoying people go and have some kids to annoy.
Trump - Republican Nominee

Repacked your emotional ramblings are not coming across as the level headed rational thinking person you try and project you are.

You claim you have me on ignore and only see my posts through quotes now. Didn't think that through properly did you.

1 if you actually do have me on ignore. You are only seeing a percentage of my posts so how can you know my actual view.

2 you claim to have me on ignore but actually reading all my posts anyway

3 why announce multiple times you have me on ignore and reply to me more than ever.

It's funny there were other people in this thread who had the same views as me. You didn't tell them to die young. You have to separate the emotion with the person and the argument.

Come to think of it. Friday night, you at the footy I think, probably had a few drinks and get a bit excited and post drunken ramblings on a BB forum. Is repacked actually CT?
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I have no idea what that means re-packed but I'm pretty sure it wasn't a compliment, no offence to Bazza

None taken.

If you have a look at his recent ramblings, telling me to die, telling a non religious, non violent dairy farmer from Aus, with moderate views on most things they are as bad as any extremist. It would be a much bigger insult for him to agree with you.

He even fails to realize that we tend to have pretty similar views on most things. To busy telling me to die.
I am not that fearful of Trump; don't think he will do much for Fadi's cause though.
We should be more fearful of Clinton and her close ties to Saudi Arabia, who are funding most of her campaign by the way..
She and her ex president husband have a documented track record of being prolific liars
We should be more fearful of Clinton and her close ties to Saudi Arabia, who are funding most of her campaign by the way..
She and her ex president husband have a documented track record of being prolific liars

So Trump is the better option you say? What a shock..
Yes I do, is he perfect? not by a long shot
What is a shock fudgepacked is your reaction to people who have differing opinions

I have no problem with differing opinions as you will see if you read through many threads on here. I don't mind rational discussion about different perspectives. I just find the pointless arguing and piss poor reasoning a bit unfortunate. Otherwise we could actually have a proper informed conversation, but carry on.
And if you picture Bazza as just a grumpy bastard you'll most likely be less angry with him

I just find people getting angry at someone on a BB forum pretty amusing. Especially the level a couple guys here constantly do. Enough to just spurt out those ramblings.

As for trump a lot of people are going to vote for him. They can't all be totally stupid, maybe there is something to it, they don't all need to go and die young. In saying that, if I had to vote I probably wouldn't vote for him.