So how do we improve our gut function to make the most of what we're consuming Fadi? "Healthy bacteria", yakult, yoghurt and the like?
And how do we know when it's working at its most efficient?
Btw, great to see you back and posting again Fadi. I have always enjoyed reading your posts, very insightful and nearly always offer a different point of view to the norm
Firstly, thank you very much for your post, and secondly, please forgive me for
unintentionally hijacking the topic of this (your) thread sir.
To delve even deeper and deeper into yet another dimension (by really looking outside the box), I offer you this very short 1 minute or so video clip by Dr Greger. You see, even though you were 100% correct regarding the eating of probiotic foods in order to increase our friendly gut flora, we don't actually have to do that. In fact, fibre (yes fibre), provides us with what we (the 90% of us) really need. I'm very much fascinated by the subject of bacteriology and the way these invisible to the eye living breathing eating pooping single cell living organism work.
You know, you asked me a very profound question, I'm not sure if you realised it. You asked me as to how do we know when we are basically doing the right thing by our microbiome? Well, I answer you by asking you a simple question: how do you feel today? How's your mood? How's your cravings? What type of foods are you craving? So many tell tale signs and messages our little dynamic friends are constantly sending us if we but paid some closer attention to what they want. Have you ever paced up and down through your kitchen looking for something sweet to eat? If so, why do you think this has occurred? The answer? Well, the majority would start looking at what has been the blatant obvious, "uh hu, his blood sugar level must be low and his body is sending him a message to eat in order to elevate it back to normal. Really!! I think not. And why not? Because whenever we crave and nearly go on a "hunt" for something sweet, an apple or a carrot would be the last thing on our mind. There's another mind (make that few trillion minds) screaming from deep within our intestines for (you guessed it) ...
sugar! Mmmm, and who might these trillion critters be? Well, they would be the nasty ones, you may have heard others call them by their real name:
candida albicans. Now these bacteria is not some foreign entity that has dropped from Mars, no. These,
in low and normal numbers, are part and parcel of a healthy and normal gut flora, amongst other places in our body. Ok great, so what's the deal here and why has this particular type of bacteria gotten a bad rap lately (since the last century). Again, sugar and processed food such as white flower/yeast and all products made from it, not to mention the lack of fibre these junk foods usually come with. So back to your mood and your hunt for junky sugary processed food...Yehp,..Mr and Mrs Candida are starving and are playing with your human brain telling it who's boss! So please don't kick yourself by thinking you just don't have a strong will power to stay away from those tempting sugary white flour made junky food,'s not you, it's them (your army [literally] of candida colony) going on a march/hunt for food, their preferred type of food...junk!
Knowing and being aware of the above real situation, you are now in a much better (not to mention stronger) position to deal with the
real issue that is driving you into bad health, overweight, moodiness etc etc.
I shall leave it here for now... I thank you for your time.
Oops, one last thing before I go...butyric acid that the good doctor made mention of in the video, is to be found in abundance in two amazingly stable fats your heart and mind would just love to eat: these are namely butter and ghee. I was brought up on ghee. Ghee is simply clarified butter, where the water and that bit of milk solid non fat has been removed, and what we are left with is pure fat of the highest and most stable that your trillions of good bacteria just adore to munch on
