OK what has not been done??? It must be cheap to produce and have a convincing story to sell it.
Lets see grass, grass is cheap, plentiful and best of all it makes you fucking HUGE!!!! It doesn't???? Well of course it does…….what do bulls eat?? Grass, and bulls are huge muscular and strong.
There is our slogan,
"Be as big and strong as a bull"
We still need a name, how about something catchy like:
'100% Natural Super Metabolic Hydroxy Phase Mega Blast with extra double potent Oxyhyrolyte Test Booster Max'
Now get a well know body builder to endorse it as his secret to his success, print up a flash label and sell a month supply for $99.
Of course there will be a disclaimer on the label that to see any sort of results you need to run this continuously for 4-6 months.
What happens in 4-6 months??? Nothing, not a thing!!! All you now need to do is to convince every buyer that they probably were not training hard enough, their programming was off, their diet was not dialled in enough, or that they are one of the very few unlucky individuals that is a non responder.
This will give you 6 month to a year to come up with another similar but better product, with added potency and secret anabolic ingredients that will multiply the results of the existing formula tenfold, to unlock the non responders potential for huge gains, and the merry go round starts again.
Sound familiar???? This is how supplements are made, marketed and sold to the gullible.