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training supplements

ebagz your right, I have't really read through the thread but I'm not sure how the trifecta stack would go getting in. And have you considered the Natabolic Stack?
Yeah I have considered the Natabolic stack and will probably give it a go maybe even before I use the trifecta as its milder.. obviously not one after the other but at different times. My order got stopped by customs, I just emailed the ingredients and said a few things and they let it through.

I agree. People really need to do their own research into things before buying. I've checked the ingredients in trifecta and I just think there's too much unnecessary stuff, also it's only scored 7.4 from 45 ratings.

Just out of curiosity what is your age and what is the trifecta stack meant to do for you? :)

I read through alot of forums and alot of logs and the majority were favorable for both natadrol and the trifecta, natadrol being natural and trifecta being basically an extremely mild ph. I don't go by those score thingys, at best they tell you how popular it is and at worst they put you off buying decent products...

I am 21 and i'm saving the trifecta stack for a rainy day.. My first priority is to get into decent conditioning and drop some serious kg's (20-30) then when my gains plateau providing diet training and rest are in check I will use either natadrol stack or trifecta to hopefully give me a boost make some gains break the plateau. That rainy day is awhile away though and I will log it. I'll probably try both at some stage.. anwayz...
I read your initial posting and probably a little off topic (I'm seriously not here to cause flames) and noticed you are/were taking ALRI Restore, you do know the company ALRI have previously been caught out spiking their products? Not indicating it would be now, but just saying they are pretty shady.
As you probably have read in my earlier replies which I pointed to, I did not feel the need to take any PCT but did for just a week and stopped. I was not aware that ALRI were caught doing the wrong thing but I thank you for pointing that out now.

PS: Please relax and feel free when you're dealing with me; you're not causing any flames and a live discussion is always good for the spirit! I mean I’ve just learned something new thanks to you. Now if you were worried of speaking out I would not have known what you had just shared with me (and the rest of the world). So thanks again brother.

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Yeah I have considered the Natabolic stack and will probably give it a go maybe even before I use the trifecta as its milder.. obviously not one after the other but at different times. My order got stopped by customs, I just emailed the ingredients and said a few things and they let it through.

So does anyone know how to get Froma-D through Aus customs?
A friend of mine got the trifecta through earlier this year. I wouldn't bother with that sort of shit though.
He ended up giving me his un-opened formadrol which is either sitting in a cupboard somewhere or I threw it out.

Sherk is formadrol illegal in aus? If it's not, I'll see if I can find it and off load it.
I'm surprised natadrol and Methyl-1-D got a great review by Fadi.

I had little to no respect for both supps as well as LG sciences but now I guess I'm more keen to know details.

Methyl-1-D to me just seemed like a DHEA with other 'crap' in it, which ripped off an original product Methyl-D (something that's banned).

Natadrol on the other hand just seemed like a new post-ban stunt which a company like LG sciences would pull off.

I'm gonna keep any eye on these two from now on.
Those two Supps that you are talking about were introduced by me into the Aussie market,

Please Oliver please do not have a go at me :p
Those two Supps that you are talking about were introduced by me into the Aussie market,

Please Oliver please do not have a go at me :p

I thought DHEA was illegal in Aus?.,..perhaps Methyl-1-D here has something else in it like Kangaroo Paw extract :D

have u used natadrol?