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training supplements

The ingredients.


I must admit I was initially quite tempted to try it - bar the PCT's - I doubt anything herbal is going to shut your body down, however one thread over in BB really put me off, unsure if this was ever cleared by the LG Reps. Had you had a chance to read up about Tinospora cordifolia and its effects on rats? (I know animals vs humans diff etc etc). Would be interested as going by your statements, could be a product at least worth trying. Thanks for your input.
Bro learn paragraphs. I can't read this shot on a phone does my head in..

My bad...In future I will be more considerate to people using phones to view the forum.

Fadi I agree with you that caffeine and other stims are abused, and alot of people depend on them to get through the day, their bodies get accustomed to it so they take more and more. There is no substitute for a good sleep.

I respect the fact that you would remove your posts on a product in fear of others trying it who didn't do their own research and tried it simply from you saying it works.

Just to clarify, I do not need or depend on pre workout supps, but do enjoy using them on occasion, at most up to 4 weeks at a time and usually take at least a good 12 weeks off.

I have tried No explode, black powder and jack3d and personally have only enjoyed jack3d.
lift right. eat right. no trifecta

So your saying I don't have to sleep? just kidding... Oh and I will use the trifecta and any other supplement I want, when I want. Do your own research and use what you want.

Feel free to give your opinion on the product, speaking from your own experience from using it, or your own research into it. Don't discard the product based on your assumption that it's just some crappy supplement made of corn flour because of it's name or manufacturers description.

I think that's a fair comment, we are all here to learn and help one another.. we all know you don't need supplements but some such as myself choose to use them for the reasons we do.
Fadi I know your a strong supporter of aus and nz protein can you answer why if that's ok?

I've never had a bad experience with an Australian whey powder but plenty with the American imported stuff. Our dairy's regulation here and in New Zealand must be stricter than they are in the US. Here's a copy and paste which you may find interesting:

It is possible to maintain higher milk production by injecting cows with growth hormones known as recombinant BST or rBGH, but this is controversial due to its effects on animal and possibly human health. The European Union, Japan, Australia, New Zealand and Canada have banned its use[8][9] due to these concerns.

In the US however, no such prohibition exists, and approximately 17.2% of dairy cows are treated in this way.

Here's the link for the above: Dairy farming - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

If the subject was on meat, I would feel the same way of course. This is not "let's pick on the US" no, it's more based on what is happening on the ground at the source that concerns me.

ebagz your right, I have't really read through the thread but I'm not sure how the trifecta stack would go getting in. And have you considered the Natabolic Stack?
A mate of mine got the Trifecta stack though no worries at all, I actually have his full thing of formadrol here, unopened. I was looking at using it as its ment to boost test slightly. I didnt as Im now on hrt.

He stopped halfway though because he found it did nothing for him. Thats just his experience though... yours could be different though.

Good luck mate.


I only took Natadrol for 3 weeks instead of 6, 8, or more. And with just 3 weeks, things were happening way too quickly I had to half the dosage. It worked for me just as jack3d works for some. When it worked, I decided to share my experience with others, nothing more really. You speak about some rat study that has put you off; I don't know of anything that I read that put me off at the time otherwise I would not have touched the stuff.

You also ask if I read on Tinospora cordifolia. Of course I read on it, how could have when it's the main player here!

Here's the link starting from reply #10: Natadrol ?

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What things were you noticing mate?

I agree. People really need to do their own research into things before buying. I've checked the ingredients in trifecta and I just think there's too much unnecessary stuff, also it's only scored 7.4 from 45 ratings.

Just out of curiosity what is your age and what is the trifecta stack meant to do for you?

lol, here we go again...
You buy what you feel you need to and I'll buy what's best.

Thanks for the answer Fadi. I believe it was you who initially convinced me to buy Australian for quality so maybe your wisdom can work again.

Cool, thanks for your response. May have to do a little more research on this. Pat Arnold doesn't seem to think too much of it, but some logs show otherwise. Hopefully there are some bloods floating around...

I read your initial posting and probably a little off topic (I'm seriously not here to cause flames) and noticed you are/were taking ALRI Restore, you do know the company ALRI have previously been caught out spiking their products? Not indicating it would be now, but just saying they are pretty shady.
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You buy what you feel you need to and I'll buy what's best.

Thanks for the answer Fadi. I believe it was you who initially convinced me to buy Australian for quality so maybe your wisdom can work again.

Mate, you missed my actual point in the 'debate'... anyway lets leave it for the benefit of others...