Look at Bush there, as usual looking like a stunned mullet
Probably the most incompetent president the world has ever seen
I believe it was two years ago in 2014. And bringing up a 9/11 conspiracy theory is just that, bringing it up for discussion. Only an idiot would conclude his position on something before examining whatever facts he may gather and critically analyse using the critical thinking method. Would you rather I blind believe and follow the mainstream media wherever they choose to lead me? If there is no harm in what I'm doing for myself, then why should you or anyone else be bothered, annoyed, and end up being disrespectful, not to mention resorting to blatant lies about where I stood and what I've said (which I'll come to in a sec since you haven't changed a bit with your lies...I'll provide evidence of this just so you don't think I'm falsely accusing you of something you haven't done).It was one of the other times that you brought up the 9/11 conspiracy theory.
Don't know anything about moon landings, what about it? You seem to be on a roll now with further fabrications towards me. We'll get to that soon enough, stay with me...I think the moon landing conspiracy come up, as well as a few others.
I admit I do delete some of my posts, but not with the aim or intention of hiding anything that I've expressed in writing. I've got absolutely nothing to hide, as you'll soon find out.You ended up deleting most of the posts.
Now that's where your lie began back then, and have resumed today. So that tells me that you've learnt nothing about the fact that one should not resort to lying to prove his case.You were suggesting the beheading videos were faked to incite hate towards certain people.
My stance has not altered one iota form where it was. It was one video I commented about and challenged you to put a similar knife (not against your neck), but against one of your fingers, to see what would happen. Obviously you refused, and I wasn't surprised why you did. After all, who in their right mind would want to lose a finger over some internet dispute right?!So are you still claiming that?
Not only a waste of time, but also a waste of ones human intellect when time is not spent investigating something before accepting it at face value, wouldn't you agree? So far all I've seen by people like you is regarding the 9/11 event is zilch; zero, an absolute nothingness. Only words that it has been established by some "experts" that the planes have brought down the twin towers. Produce this evidence and the experts who have been providing such evidence please. Is that asking too much? I have not made up my mind one way or the other, however as things stand and based on the evidence that I have, everything seems to point out that this event was planned before hand and the buildings were brought down on purpose instead of by an accident.I'm wanting to know because it's a waste of time arguing with conspiracy theorists.
I have concluded based on the evidence before me today, that you Barry do suffer from what is called pseudologia fantastica and mythomania, more commonly known as Pathological lying and/or compulsive lying. I'll give you the experts' definition of this term in the paragraph below and see if it fits your profile like a hand in glove.They are not dealing in logic or reality.
That was post #179, posted over a year and a half ago now on 07-03-2015 05:59 PM . http://ausbb.com/showthread.php?t=28786&page=18So fadi is happy to shoot a couple of drug dealers but ISIS guys beheading and burning people alive have been framed. Sure makes sense.
Post #186.Proof please otherwise don't bother. We've been through one (and only one single video re IS) where I (and many others on the net) had a different point of view than most of you here, and it was re the reporter James Foley if I remember correctly. Other than that, you're simply generalising and leaving yourself open for ridicule.
Post #187There are multiple ISIS beheadings and now a burning alive. That's ok but drug dealers. Shoot them yesterday. Come man.
Post#188For the second time and this time in plainer English than the first time. I am not asking you to prove that there has been killings going on, everyone knows that. I am asking you for some proof that I agree with what is going on as you have accused me of or alluded to in your post.
This was dated over a year ago now on: 07-03-2015 06:45 PM. Here's the link for it (post #191) http://ausbb.com/showthread.php?t=28786&page=20Some people here don't seem able to distinguish between Fadi asserting that the media coverage of a specific event was doctored (which is his rightful opinion) and full blown support for IS. I have yet to see a statement of support for ISIS or their actions from anyone on this forum.
Post #192.That's bullshit. You want proof of beheadings but don't ask for any proof of them being drug dealers before you call for them to be shot.
I'm pretty sure the family's with their sons missing their heads is pretty good proof.
Post #194.I give up. Can someone, anyone, please explain what I have been saying to Barry. I would sincerely appreciate it. I simply can not put it in a more simpler way than I already have.
Re asking for proof whether these two were drug dealers or not. I only follow what the judiciary is saying, as I have said before, I am an observer like the rest of you here and not a judge. They have been tried and been found guilty by the system. I have no say in that. Your beef should be with the Indonesian judiciary if you don't agree with the outcome of the trial, not me.
If they were found innocent, then we wouldn't be having this discussion now would we Bazza?
Post #195.So your happy to go with the jury about them being drug dealers but when we see beheading videos released by ISIS it's a scam.
I'm sure the families of these blokes with missing heads can fill you in.
Post #196...can you see that red s above Barry? That's called proof and evidence of a compulsive liar who refuses to give up even when he's found out...the sad thing is you are still at it 2 years on.No no, get your facts right please. Not beheading videos, it was a beheading video. We've been through that video, and we've moved on, (so I thought)!
Post #198.Come on mate. You're a joke with this stuff now.
Post #200.I think your clutching at straws for the sake of it now Bazza.
Post #211.
And it is the same in my mind as it is in your mind brother. Please don't make up your mind about me like some others on here have, before even I come to my own conclusion re this terrorist event. I'm no different than you, we're 100% on the same page. Some people here can't see that, based on nothing more than the fact that I belong to the fold of Islam, as that somehow renders me guilty by default. You can give a person knowledge, but you can't make them think. Some people want to remain fools, only because the truth requires change Puggy.I agree with you about many things Fadi but 9/11 was certainly an act of terrorism in my mind.
We can discuss politics if you like, then you might see things from my point of view, based on a totally different narrative than the one you've been used to. No, I'm not suggesting you start discussing religion and politics with me (or anyone else on the forum Puggy), but if at any time you feel the need to ask a question regarding a certain matter, or why do Muslims (and Arabs in particular) say or behave in a certain way, then I'd be glad to share my knowledge with you. One thing I'm not is a Jehovah's Witness, knocking on peoples' doors hoping to save them from the abyss. Islam is not for sale neither does it need a Fadi or a million Fadis to introduce it to the world, it's a Deen that stands on its own foundation, and the only Deen left that is standing in the way of all the other isms out there. Like it or hate it, it's growing and spreading like no other way of life, all that despite all the negativity thrown at it. Based on just these few simple facts, one ought to ask why, why is that so? Like I said, I'm here if you ever feel the need to ask a question. Thank you for your time Sir.There was numerous events in the 10 years leading to it that point all the fingers towards Islamic Extremists.
From the bombings of the World Trade Center in 1993, the bombing of the army base in 1996, and the bombings of the Embassies in 1998.
Not just these acts of violence but economic sanctions put a huge pressure on the Taliban to act.
The fact that the US openly traded with them in the first place is even more worrying.
Bin Laden was an extremist, absolutely no doubt about it a crazed individual who interpreted a book in the worst way possible.
But in a world were we fight violence with violence, significant terrorist attacks from any group are always going to be relatively frequent.
Please excuse me if any of my facts are wrong, I am merely quoting from my memory of year 11 economics.
Exactly my point. Thank you Darko.A wise Vulcan once said, “When you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth"
Or in other words, it's usually the simplest answer.
Exactly my point. Thank you Darko.
Well this is an interesting turn of events. Woodford and Barry are actually in agreeance. Am I in the Matrix?
I believe it was two years ago in 2014. And bringing up a 9/11 conspiracy theory is just that, bringing it up for discussion. Only an idiot would conclude his position on something before examining whatever facts he may gather and critically analyse using the critical thinking method. Would you rather I blind believe and follow the mainstream media wherever they choose to lead me? If there is no harm in what I'm doing for myself, then why should you or anyone else be bothered, annoyed, and end up being disrespectful, not to mention resorting to blatant lies about where I stood and what I've said (which I'll come to in a sec since you haven't changed a bit with your lies...I'll provide evidence of this just so you don't think I'm falsely accusing you of something you haven't done).
Don't know anything about moon landings, what about it? You seem to be on a roll now with further fabrications towards me. We'll get to that soon enough, stay with me...
I admit I do delete some of my posts, but not with the aim or intention of hiding anything that I've expressed in writing. I've got absolutely nothing to hide, as you'll soon find out.
Now that's where your lie began back then, and have resumed today. So that tells me that you've learnt nothing about the fact that one should not resort to lying to prove his case.
My stance has not altered one iota form where it was. It was one video I commented about and challenged you to put a similar knife (not against your neck), but against one of your fingers, to see what would happen. Obviously you refused, and I wasn't surprised why you did. After all, who in their right mind would want to lose a finger over some internet dispute right?!
By the way, the video in question was in regard to the American journalist Mr. James Foley. http://www.theaustralian.com.au/new...s/news-story/052c2b82b19ba4bf6f10293693c8cddb
Not only a waste of time, but also a waste of ones human intellect when time is not spent investigating something before accepting it at face value, wouldn't you agree? So far all I've seen by people like you is regarding the 9/11 event is zilch; zero, an absolute nothingness. Only words that it has been established by some "experts" that the planes have brought down the twin towers. Produce this evidence and the experts who have been providing such evidence please. Is that asking too much? I have not made up my mind one way or the other, however as things stand and based on the evidence that I have, everything seems to point out that this event was planned before hand and the buildings were brought down on purpose instead of by an accident.
Saying that does not make me evil or some sort of conspirator no, saying that is based on the information that I have had since 9/11 took place. I am a sane person who listens to reason and recognise it if and when it is presented. So far I have not found anything that contradicts what information I have on the subject, and when I start a thread such as this one, asking Ausbb members to help me out in finding such information; such evidence to support a different position than the one I'm leaning towards, I get judged on my stance, a stance which has not yet come to its full conclusion 15 years after the fact. Granted some may not care one way or the other, for those persons, there's no need for you to involve yourselves with such matter. For the ones who are still interested in finding out what really happened and who was responsible for 9/11, this thread is here to discuss such a matter. It's really that simple.
I have concluded based on the evidence before me today, that you Barry do suffer from what is called pseudologia fantastica and mythomania, more commonly known as Pathological lying and/or compulsive lying. I'll give you the experts' definition of this term in the paragraph below and see if it fits your profile like a hand in glove.
A compulsive liar is defined as someone who lies out of habit. Lying is their normal and reflexive way of responding to questions. Compulsive liars bend the truth about everything, large and small. For a compulsive liar, telling the truth is very awkward and uncomfortable while lying feels right. Compulsive lying is usually thought to develop in early childhood, due to being placed in an environment where lying was necessary. For the most part, compulsive liars are not overly manipulative and cunning (unlike sociopaths), rather they simply lie out of habit—an automatic response which is hard to break and one that takes its toll on a relationship
OK, it's time to bring out the evidence of your compulsive lying.
That was post #179, posted over a year and a half ago now on 07-03-2015 05:59 PM . http://ausbb.com/showthread.php?t=28786&page=18
Post #186.
Post #187
This was dated over a year ago now on: 07-03-2015 06:45 PM. Here's the link for it (post #191) http://ausbb.com/showthread.php?t=28786&page=20
Post #192.
Post #194.
Post #195.
Post #196...can you see that red s above Barry? That's called proof and evidence of a compulsive liar who refuses to give up even when he's found out...the sad thing is you are still at it 2 years on.
Post #198.
Post #200.
Post #211.
I think that should be enough for now, however I'm available should you have any legit questions for me regarding anything you may have (or still) suspect that I've said. I repeat, I've nothing to hide.
I think that should be enough for now, however I'm available should you have any legit questions for me regarding anything you may have (or still) suspect that I've said. I repeat, I've nothing to hide.
Dunno much about it, nothing would surprise me though. But remember bush was sitting in classroom holding a kids book upside down pretending to read while shitting himself when it happened
You're most welcome Barry.Thanks for proving my point Fadi.
It's a real shame when the ignorant is ignorant if his ignorance.
Thanks for proving my point Fadi.
It's just great minds at work Stiffy, great minds at work.
Maybe the Matrix is the wrong franchise. I would go more "The Force" fighting the dark side.
Ha! Yeah he was a classic. Bushisms.Um. Just pointing out that that's how he behaved all the time. There are some nice youtube mash ups of many of his fumbling idiocies. And some nice Saturday Night Live impersonations.
Fark Barry! Farley and Woodville could win Pulitzer Prizes with their posts and this is all you could come up with.
Like Chewbacca and Hans Solo???
I love an argument but don't have enough time to argue with those in a different reality at the moment.
Facts are meaningless. You can use facts to prove anything that's even remotely true. Facts schmacts.