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Is it acceptable to use? Would you think any less of a man if you saw him using one?

Tere is nothing wrong with using one of these, if I saw someone using one I would meerly think if he uses a Manta ray to squat he probably squats to pee
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Tere is nothing wrong with using one of these, if I saw someone using one I would meerly think if he uses a Manta ray to squat he probably squats to pee

That makes me feel better. Was extra sweaty today so helped kept the bar stable.
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Today got me thinking about my surroundings and how i will miss watching the characters around the gym once my memebership runs out from Fagness First....

1 - This guy comes in regularly but never seems to surprise with new ways to look ghey in the gym doing seemingly completely useless exercises while in the last maybe 1 -2 yrs of seeing him there has not changed his body shape or seemingly achieved anything, today he was doing some "exercise" with a fit ball against a wall and his hand like a wax on wax off manouver.....genius!!!!!

2 - Guy comes in wearing full skins, knee wraps, elbow wraps, gloves with lifting straps and head band then struggles through benching 50kg.....

3 - guy training wearing skinny jeans hanging half way down his arse, leather dress shoes and tight white bonds singlet...

doesnt effect me at all, except does provide me with some for of entertainment while i rest during my sets, hahaha
The "manta ray" , pads and such will change slightly the way you squat, I wouldn't recommend you switch constantly.

And I wouldn't recommend you become dependent on them, unless you actually own one or something similar.

Commercial gyms are breeding grounds for these people, not much real training goes on in these places.

Hence why I do not go there
Where I currently live the closest gym is at Moree, about 100km away, or Goondiwindi in Queensland which is about 90km away, so not real practical for me at this time.

At my previous place I had two large commercial gyms within 3-5 minutes away, went there a few times then started training at home, never looked back

Jpow has a sweet set up for sale.. Buy a gym
The "manta ray" , pads and such will change slightly the way you squat, I wouldn't recommend you switch constantly.

And I wouldn't recommend you become dependent on them, unless you actually own one or something similar.

Yeah I noticed it really affected movement on the way up. Was putting pressure on my lower back. (Maybe because I couldn't pull my shoulders back due to the mould).

Yeah the memories of public gyms.

Fridays you get the guys in full nightclub outfit going to pump up before going out.

The guys that would always come in with all the kit on. Gloves, knee wraps, belt, wrist wraps, elbow wraps, head band, then do curls.

Don't think I ever saw a squat there and 70kg was about the biggest bench.
I remember a guy at my old gym in Kensington. I think it was called in shape? Turned into a titans and now a snap fitness? There was a guy I called Malenko, man of a thousand moves. He would do these mad exercises with the cables. Standing on benches, facing the wrong way pulling behind him. Lying on a bench pulling the cable length ways, it was gold. I miss that and nothing else haha