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What the fuck was with the chairs and plates on the floor behind him?? Ill be adding him to favorites for the lol's!!
man I dunno how he manages to get his knees so far forwards yet still manage to good morning the rep
>folds like a book
>hips then bob down to hit roughly depth
>my sides
I normally train around lunch time or even earlier lately, so when I showed up at the gym just after 5pm this afternoon, I was expecting to see some different faces to what I'm used to.

Nope. Exact same people who are there training when I'm there at 10am or at 1pm are there when I show up at 5pm. I'm starting to think the gym might be their permanent place of resisdence.
Last night, I saw all the guys in the freeweights section training chest.

I like doing Legs on Mondays.

I swear I am one of 3 people that trains calves at the gym.

The monday chest crew bounce the bar something shocking on their chests too, all injuries waiting to happen.
saw an increase in new faces last night, new years resolutioners ... pffft, oh well should calm down again in a few weeks

saw a "team" of 4 benching at my gym last night one benching and three spotters (powerlifting style) one on either end of the bar and one in the middle.
this would not be so funny if they were lifting big weight but they had a grand total of 40kg (one 10kg either side) and all three spotters were "guiding" the bar as the "bencher" squirmed underneath.
Saw the same 3 guys that train together, that always do chest and arms, today they did chest and arms, but did 2 sets of about 5, 1/4 depth body weight squats on a bosu ball

Same happened to my gym.

For the past few weeks I've been going to the gym at 6am because it's virtually empty so I can do as I please.. however this morning my jaw dropped at how many people popped up out of no where. Damn resolutioners.
Saw the same 3 guys that train together, that always do chest and arms, today they did chest and arms, but did 2 sets of about 5, 1/4 depth body weight squats on a bosu ball

This seems like a recipe for disaster.
Big beach balls should be banned from any gym!

At my gym they don't even touch the chest lol
The sync sisters were back in the gym last night smashing the weights

And they looked hot.

The skinnyfats were doing cardios only
Same happened to my gym.

For the past few weeks I've been going to the gym at 6am because it's virtually empty so I can do as I please.. however this morning my jaw dropped at how many people popped up out of no where. Damn resolutioners.

I fkn hate resolotioners grrrr I saw too today one doing squat to bench with the foam on bar in the smith lmao and 1 doing quater reps on leg press. Both thinking they where cool walking around like there lats are huge wtf me and the regular blokes look at each other in disgust lmaooo
I can't blame behaviour like that on resolutioners as that's the way the majority train at my gym. Though loving the new talent coming in.
There was 6 hot young girls on the treadmills last night all in a row

My training partner and I were inspired to lift heavier

Seeing a hot girl in the gym works better than jack3d
There was 6 hot young girls on the treadmills last night all in a row

My training partner and I were inspired to lift heavier

Seeing a hot girl in the gym works better than jack3d

yoga class was very full last night and full of 18 - 25 year old women mostly in bikinis very hard to stop drooling.
All hot and sweaty after a few minutes (bikram yoga - room is heated to 38*C)
Saw a guy at a mates gym hanging from the pullup bar not moving for ages, I couldn't figure out what he was doing and figured he was just stretching out his back. Well I was kinda right...I over heard him and his mate talking about how stretching like this will lengthen the lats to get a bigger back..

I had to turn away and try and contain myself.. Go the bro's!