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did you continue doing squats?
Damn right I did. Gotta finish the set. Stupid XL are not really XL!

yoga pants will solve this problem dave!

I'll order you some!

They cling to even the ugliest buttocks quite nicely (and more importantly, don't split!)


My butt is not ugly thank you very much. I think the other side of the pants may offend some people though.
Today was a pretty funny day
I'll go weeks without seeing anything funny then suddenly there will be loads of hilarious things happen
There were a few DYEL mode guys saying that all leg lifts should be doing explosively for high reps if they want to sprint faster - so they did explosive leg extensions
Female ambulocetus goes to weigh herself, stops mid step then decides to take her shoes off before she steps on the scales
Skinny guys doing face pulls
Pistol squats on a bosu ball
Dude close gripping close to 200% more then he was capable of and quarter repping, ended up losing control a few times and getting pinned - much to my amusement
Guy set the bench up wrong in the cage, so that he unracked the bar by pulling it towards his face
its always funny seeing guys holding dumbells and moving the dumbell as if they look like they are punching the air with the dumbell

"why are you doing that?"
"so i can punch harder brah"

OK lol
its always funny seeing guys holding dumbells and moving the dumbell as if they look like they are punching the air with the dumbell

"why are you doing that?"
"so i can punch harder brah"

OK lol

No matter how often I explain that it teaches them to decelerate at the end of the punch, they never listen
There is an old dude who does upper cuts and shit with the cable machine as well at my gym. It appears to be his entire routine along with wrist curls and weighted toe raises
Damn right I did. Gotta finish the set. Stupid XL are not really XL!

My butt is not ugly thank you very much. I think the other side of the pants may offend some people though.

lol I wasn't referring to your butt being ugly dave

lol and oh yes, the front! I did not consider my suggestion thoroughly enough

wrist curls and toe raises, the new powerlifts.
Not to mention using a weighted punch ruins your technique which will eventually lower your power production through inefficient action.
On my first day of signing up with the gym (to cold and wet to work out at home in patio gym sometimes) saw a dude doing cable cross overs across his face, but pulling out instead of in. Had his towel across his face to protect it from the cables sitting on it too.
It was not what I saw - It was what I smelt, young guy lifting too much for his body and smelling like a zoo


I saw a guys BP 20kg and DL 40kg, wait.. that was me

But really 4 guys doing Curls in the squat rack.. talk for 5 mins next guy does them.. Flap off idiots.



Ahhh that made my morning

Please be a good human being & show this lad how its done????? fuck.
I don't know what ff were doing today but I saw a group of teenagers being shown around the gym and they were just in the way!! AND totally inappropriately dressed vans or volleys, baseball caps and the girls make up masks *doink*
fair enough was going to say dad used to lift bare foot - makes sense now lol

Bare foot is great for deadlifting, or in knee high socks without shoes. I used to get spoken to by the trainers at my old gym about deadlifting in socks.

Shoes while benching though so that you can get your arch nice and tight!
I used to do my lifts at FF barefoot. Stroll into the weights area with thongs. Would get the strangest looks but became the norm.
So liberating!