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Nice photo Sticky, I would like to see a huge stack of reds on one of my lifts... some day.. Calibrated plates? Another way of putting it might be to say 'I just squatted $3000' (3k at a guess )

Grats to Kaz too... bodyweight bench press is impressive, I only got that a few months ago... as a guy.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FvxuV-zFHjY]145kg squat - YouTube[/ame]
haha I just noticed the tissue up Sticky's nose

When I was at PTC he basically had that in the whole time. At one point it blew out across the room!
No vid...but 133kg x 3 x 2 tonight on squats. 140kg for doubles next week. Then a new 1rm after a deload. Watch this space.
Recent training/assistance PBs @78-79kg:

- ~93cm vertical leap - just out of curiosity, used to play volleyball. Fuck yeah pretty surprised/pleased.
- Olympic front squat - 107.5kg
- Olympic squat - 112.5 x 6
- Ohp - 57.5 x 5
- Power clean - 77.5kg
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NkXosTl1aOQ]150kg squat - YouTube[/ame]

Feel like I'm starting to force the reps now
So going to back off a little and not force it too much and double up on the backoff sets

Also did a 20x100kg widowmaker which was pretty cool. Did 10/5/5 with my breathing
Nice one Gripster

I hit a new floor press 1RM and managed to triple it

Overall my bench training numbers are higher than before I hurt my shoulder, or my surgery so all is well
Got 80kg overhead today. 100kg is a big goal of mine... 20kg away!

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ef1IktAtH_4]80kgx1 - YouTube[/ame]