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It's the stack that gets the results, that is all ON has said from the beginning, if it includes olive oil, take olive oil, it's the sum of the parts that allegedly gets the results, not any one product on its own.

My test levels are relatively low, and I did the Bulk Nutrients test stack which included a Test booster combination capsules, ZMA, DIM and D Aspartic Acid. It showed some results as a stack.

What?? Didn't your test only go up 1 or 2. Surely that's well within the range of natural variation. Its a big stretch to say the stack gave results.
Day 1 - am dosage taken. Not bad at all, held in mouth for 3minutes. 3 tablespoons of olive oil also went down easier than expected.

Then make it a 2L bottle with olive oil?

The more variables you have the less relevant data becomes. Its already hard enough to distinguish effects from 1 substance in a persons life let alone changing more things.
Then make it a 2L bottle with olive oil?

The more variables you have the less relevant data becomes. Its already hard enough to distinguish effects from 1 substance in a persons life let alone changing more things.

Again which part of the sum of parts (supplements) is what supposedly makes the difference don't people understand??

ON already stated that each supplement on their own will have a very minor result, but together is where it's supposed to be happening!!

There would be no point to take an expensive (??? not sure how much it costs) supplement and then not feed your body the required nutrients to make it work after you have already been told that this is what you need to get the best results, since someone has already done the research. That would be like someone saying here is a Ferrari, it's supposedly a very fast car, but you can't put any fuel in it when you take it for a test drive, even though we know that it requites the fuel to run.

What is it that everyone is scared of?? That the results will actually happen??

I don't know if they will or they wont, but it appears to be same people who knock everything supplement wise without having tried it. There seems to be a lot of genuine feed back on this product and no payed sponsors as far as I can see.

People were screaming for the ON to provide the product free of charge so that people here can see the results, the OP has come to the party and put his money(supplement) where his mouth is and some people are now saying it's still not enough. I guess even if the results come in as ON predicted certain people will call it natural variation, luck, oh it must have been the olive oil that did it

If people here seem to think that olive oil is what actually increases the test, then how about those people run a olive oil only cycle in the time the the test subject takes olive oil as well as the supplement.

Again for those that missed it and did not read the full thread, ON stated from day one that it is the stack of the various items that gets the results not any one product on it's own, I thought that would have been quite simple to understand, I got it the first time I read it. Just like bulk nutrients promotes a test booster stack of their Test Boost combination capsules, DIM, ZMA and D Aspartic acid, note how that is 4 different products, combined into a stack to be taken together for maximum results.
Mick your missing the point. Like Christian is pointing to, this is in no way how a study is actually done to give any meaningful results.
As ON has already stated he is not a multi million dollar corporation that can afford to run a 5 year study with 10000 test subjects.

So this is as good as it gets from what I can see, and I still think that ON has done the right thing, he has stated from day one what he believes works and the results he supposedly gets, he was called out on it by forum member who put a challenge to him and ON has subsequently put his supplement on the line on the world wide web.

He obviously believes the product will work, otherwise I doubt he would have taken the chance to do what he is doing here.
So he is believes in the product and to prove it works is giving away samples to do a trials that cannot possibly prove that the product works or not.

Makes sense??
So he is believes in the product and to prove it works is giving away samples to do a trials that cannot possibly prove that the product works or not.

Makes sense??

someone is doing a free trial with before and after blood tests with the only changes being made are the addition of more good fats in the diet and res100

We have had blood tests like this before and it has shown results so it does and this trial will prove the same thing that it does work.

Hell i can even tell you a review where our product didn't work!
Yes it didn't work, we had someone come to us with hypogonadism a very low test level of about 8 from memory, his test level went up to 10 s we said it didn't work but his LH went up by 25%.........So it did increase LH and tried to work his leydig cells (hypogondism) did not absorb the LH.

So even in this case of someone with an actual problem we got something in his body to respond, it simply wasn't enough to fix his problem though.

So yes in 30 days time ghosty will post his bloods they will show an improvement and it will once again like the other tests people have done on this supplement will prove that it works.
Seriously you need to look how trails are done to prove if something works.

At bare minimum you at least need a placebo group and control for this to prove even slightly that it works.

One person taking before and after tests proves nothing.
Seriously you need to look how trails are done to prove if something works.

At bare minimum you at least need a placebo group and control for this to prove even slightly that it works.

One person taking before and after tests proves nothing.

Thanks for your input, but your one of the few people in this thread that everyone disagrees with. This isn't a double blind placebo controlled trial.
I was asked to provide it for free to prove that it works, i dont know ghosty from a bar of soap so i have in no way influenced the results he will be posting up.

Haha. This is not a popularity contest. I couldn't care how many people agree with me.

The point is you are using these before and after blood tests saying they are proof that it works when it is impossible to draw that conclusion.

Tell me this, if you conclude that these before and after bloods you post prove that the product works how are you able to account for the placebo effect. Which you must be able to if you are claiming that these results prove the product works.
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"Placebo" or better known as "the thought and emotions" that something will boost your testosterone levels isn't really going to do fuck all blood result wise and increase your Testosterone, reduce your estorgen and increase your LH and FSH output, just by thinking it will do this.

You would have to be an absolute idiot if you thought just by thinking you are taking something that you would effect all of these hormones.

So you honestly believe people taking a placebo/sugar coated pills and they will "think" it will boost testosterone and effect the following:
Testosterone total
Testosterone Free Androgen index


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again showing you have zero knowledge on how to conduct a trial, even a tiny one like you are doing and have zero knowledge on how to interpret the results. Any trail like this needs a placebo group to gain any information from it. Who are you to say that it wasn't the placebo effect. You have no idea that it wasn't placebo or something else because you have nothing to compare it to.

So I should alert all the researchers and scientific community that they are waisting there time and cash with placebo controlled trials because somehow ON nows how to distinguish a placebo without even having a placebo group. Top effort.
Dude this is a before and after blood test not a clinical trial.
The blood test when posted with all of the products great placebo effects will show improvements and where and what hormones were effected.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yfRVCaA5o18]The Strange Powers of the Placebo Effect - YouTube[/ame]