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could potentially be good or bad w/r estrogen?
Linus Pauling Institute at Oregon State University

w/r to cholesterol.. won't olive oil increase that too?

I'd like it to work but there is a lot of hype...

drug company abandons trial of Resveratrol due to safety concerns?


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Thanks for your post oldcorollas but SRT501 is a drug it isn't resveratrol. GlaxoSmithKline are trying to make a synthetic version of resveratrol which can activate the SIRT1 activators which is believed to be responsible for "life extension".

Basically resveratrol does do this but it is very weak so GlaxoSmithKline are trying to make a synthetic much more powerful drug which does the same thing. They are basing their drug on the research that has been done with resveratrol.

Extra virgin olive oil will increase your HDL cholesterol this is why when ghosty does his next "BEFORE" set of blood tests he will be using the EVOO from now until then.
And then when he is using the res100 he will still be doing the exact same thing so that all variables are the same.

When you read what you have quoted from Linus Pauling Institute it clearly states the following: "In estrogen receptor-positive breast cancer cells, resveratrol acted as an estrogen agonist in the absence of the endogenous estrogen"

So when natural estrogen is not present it will act as an estrogen.

"17beta-estradiol, but acted as an estrogen antagonist in the presence of 17beta-estradiol "
and when estrogen is present it will act as an anti estrogen.

For those who dont understand what an agonist and antagonist is:
An agonist is a chemical that binds to a receptor of a cell and triggers a response by that cell. Agonists often mimic the action of a naturally occurring substance. Whereas an agonist causes an action, an antagonist blocks the action of the agonist and an inverse agonist causes an action opposite to that of the agonist.
I will have to read back over this thread, but I received and started my trial just after Ghosty (8/6/2012) and my 30 Day supply finished yesterday. I will get bloods redone asap.

With myself, nothing much has changed in regards to diet/training/lifestyle. I had a cold briefly way back just a week after I started but it was gone quickly and I only cut back on conditioning and accessory work for a few sessions, main lifts kept going. Had wisely had my Flu shot a while ago.

My lifts are at their highest point since I was around 22. Whether this is from three months now of non-stop lifting or can be in some way attributed to the increased T from the res-100 , well we wont have any idea on that until I get some results in. I am sleeping really well and energy levels feel up.

I come from a Science background myself (Bachelor of Science many moons ago at UQ) so I do know the shortcomings of a trial like this so I will do my best to rely on the bloods. Even then there is a plenty of variables. However I feel O.N. is being very transparent in his beliefs of Res-100 and no matter what, he should be commended for that. How many people follow and swear by BroScience 'theories'. O.N. is putting his money where is mouth is and hopefully we will see a result. I have never seen so many people on a forum demand proof as much as here. It will be interesting one way or the other.

looking forward to your results
be sure to continue using it up until you get your bloods done, there is no point in running till day 30 stopping and then getting tested on day 40-45 so continue using it.

has there been a trial done on the safety of res100? No
Has there been a trial done on the safety of optimum nutrition 100% gold standard whey, beta cret, jacked, muscle pharm assault, 1mr, humano growth, powerful, con cret,protein pancakes, ultimate omega, international protein synergy 5.....NO.

I am not concerned with his liver values the guy got a blood test done whilst sick with the flu and eating shit, the results are typical of someone that is sick with the flu and not eating properly.

His liver values when he isn't sick should return to normal.
Use your head mate any dimwit can see his levels are shit house the guy was sick when he did his blood test.

So you are saying there has been no safety trials done on basically almost all supplements on the market today?
Your claiming this shit gets results of "2mls of testosterone" with no side effects........

You cant make silly claims like that and expect people not to question you.

Comparing it to protein powder makes you look like a fool.

I like how even though you had no study on the safety of your product, instead of saying so, you post up links.
It almost looks like you were trying to fool people into believing thatw as a year long trial on teh safety of the res100.... That wouldnt be very honest of you mate.... and makes it look even more sus.

If the product does work, there will be potential side effects.
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I wont even go into why I believe you have chosen .com instead of .com.au for your website address yet......

Somebody else can have a think about it.
So you are saying there has been no safety trials done on basically almost all supplements on the market today?

Thats correct there hasn't been safety trials on pretty much every supplement in the industry.

the claim of 54nmol/L was achieved using multiple supplements and a perfect diet that was written on page 1 or 2 of this thread in plain clear ENGLISH what was used to get the results it wasn't the use of just res100 it was many things to get that result.

As far as the 1 year study it is fairly bloody obvious that the link is regarding the use of the ingredient resveratrol and not the product res100 that is very blood obvious anyone who thinks the link titled "One year human consumption study-Resveratrol and patients at risk for CVD"
is about the product res100 is an idiot.

So i haven't tried too fool anyone into anything thank you. If you were fooled then you simply are a fool.
I wont even go into why I believe you have chosen .com instead of .com.au for your website address yet......

Somebody else can have a think about it.

1) its cheaper
2) to get a .au you used to have to have a matching company name and provide acn's etc, which prevented a few ppl, but this requirement has been removed i believe.
Ok i just had a quick read over page 1 about the 2mls of test thing and i can say O.N. was pretty honest he did say it was many things in his post titled making the most of your supplements. the reviews look promising on this too, like most things aim skeptical but this looks interesting.
i don't think he was trying to trick anyone posting a link to a 1 year trial of the main ingredients either thats a bit stupid sticky, cut the bloke some slack hey anyone who thinks he is passing off a human trial for CVD is an idiot.

It had nothing to do with my question...... so why quote my question which was about the safety of the product, and post a link to a study that had absolutely nothing to do with its safety?

the only reason I can think is to lead people into thinking it was a study on the safety of the product?
i made you aware of this so why bring it up when i was the one who was honest enough to say the reason why it is a .com in the first place.

You are trying to make me look bad but i was the one who said why it was on a .com

because in Australia if you want to make any claims on any supplement you need to have it registered with the TGA and pay big bucks to do so.

That is why all claims are on a .com to avoid paying thousands of dollars.
Stop with your bullshit trying to make me look bad i told you this from the get go why it was on a .com
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