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Sydney protests call for beheadings...

i dont remember christians and catholics killing people in the street after life of brian lol

no but some pretty terrible shit went down in northern ireland/ireland over the years for not much worse (over the last few hundred years). Still hasn't completely gone away over there.
Still get both sides provoking the other with different activities in Northern Ireland

Same in the balkans, still a long way to go until its completely over
They've just made it worse for themselves. As an immigrant with an asian background I love it here, had my fair share of racisim thrown at me but I'm not stupid enough to judge the whole country as racist. Deport those who aren't citizens and are guilty I say. I obey their laws when i visit their countries, should be the same here.

Police will allege the man allegedly smashed the windscreen of a fully-marked police car parked on William Street next to Cook and Phillip Park on Saturday afternoon.

yep going by that pic it is a bit hard to tell whether he was smashing the window , or as someone this thread said " removing the milkcrate from the window"
Apparently there are txt messages going around in melbourne for the same thing to happen here this sunday...

Considering buying up signs and korans to sell to the Muslims, Australian flags and beer to sell to the rednecks.. rocks to sell to both sides.
Interesting what they do in Japan...

Japan has put strict restrictions on Islam and ALL Muslims.

The reasons are:

a) Japan is the only nation that does not give citizenship to Muslims.

b) In Japan permanent residency is not given to Muslims.

c) There is a strong ban on the propagation of Islam in Japan .

d) In the University of Japan, Arabic or any Islamic language is not taught.

e) One cannot import ‘Koran’ published in Arabic language.

f) According to data published by Japanese government, it has given temporary residency to only 2 lakhs Muslims, who need to follow the Japanese Law of the Land. These Muslims should speak Japanese and carry their religious rituals in their homes.

g) Japan is the only country in the world that has a negligible number of embassies of Islamic countries.

h) Japanese people are not attracted to Islam at all.

i) Muslims residing in Japan are the employees of foreign companies.

j) Even today visas are not granted to Muslim doctors, engineers or managers sent by foreign companies.

k) In the majority of companies, it is stated in their regulations that no Muslims should apply for a job.

l) The Japanese government is of the opinion that Muslims are fundamentalist and even in the era of globalization, they are not willing to change their Muslim laws.

m) Muslims can not even think about getting a rented house in Japan .

n) If anyone comes to know that his neighbour is a Muslim then the whole neighbourhood stays alert.

o) No one can start an Islamic cell or Arabic ‘Madrasa’in Japan

p) There is no personal (Sharia) law in Japan .

q) If a Japanese woman marries a Muslim then she is considered an outcast forever.

r) According to Mr. Komico Yagi (Head of Department, Tokyo University ) “There is a mind frame in Japan that Islam is a very narrow minded religion and one should stay away from it.”

s) Freelance journalist Mohammed Juber toured many Islamic countries after 9/11 including Japan . He found that the Japanese were confident that extremists could do no harm in Japan .
similar but different..
500 teenagers at out of control party in Perth throw bottles and bricks etc at police and police horses..
even smashed the window of an ambulance....

Police Minister appalled by teen party-goers - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

Ship all these trouble making gen Y's back to where they came from.

What's that? - they come from here!

I feel sympathy for the followers of moderate Islam in our country during these times. Had some of the community leaders been more proactive, hordes of peaceful protesters could have contained the fracas.

I also feel safer around principled people and would rather have our brothers of the other Abrahamic faith living in my street compared with beer swilling bogan meth heads whose unpredictable anti social behavior has no limits.

Our post 1788 country was built by people from all backgrounds. The pioneers who swore allegiance to Queen and Chrisitanity toiled alongside people from many other backgrounds.
Skipped the last few pages.

But fuck shit like this pisses me off. Why people still beleive in imaginary cloud people still amazes me. and how people can get so upset about it....
you sure about all that?
there were quite a number of Muslims where I worked, and a fair few that did Masters adn PhD courses there.
They were provided with a room to do the stupid prayer thing, and no-one seemed to care much at all.

i'm not sure on the residency thing, but I definitely know muslims that have been there 10+ years, have kids there, kids go to school and speak english, japanese and indonesian :P

Japanese generalyl don't feel strongly abotu religion and most loosely have two religions, shinto and bhuddism (depending on which particular festival/life event :P)

I would suggest most of the christian japanese are in it for the free english lessons :D

To be honest I have no idea bud...

Also saw comments that Christians are condemned too...

Although I would expect your version is probably more accurate...