Muslim religion has a zero alcohol consumption policy, while christian religion freely consumes alcohol, but getting drunk (excessive drinking) as well as gluttony are frowned upon.
People have a lot to answer for when they confuse facts with racism, we are one of the most accepting and accommodating societies around.
For those that suggest I may be racist may be consider the following: I am not born in Australia myself, my family is from an overseas country, I speak multiple languages, I am married to a non Australian woman, I have Asian, Middle Eastern, and many other nationalities as good friends. I have extensively traveled, have lived in Europe as well as Asia
My best and longest standing personal friend was born in the middle east as a muslim, he has read the Quran, and has since renounced his religion.
I have spend the last 5 years working directly with middle eastern people mostly of muslim religion, day in day out, I have become to understand a lot of their language, I have worked beside them and with them, I have met some good people and many bad. In the end what was shown on TV is were a lot of the people are heading, they are not here to live peaceful and productive lives, most of these people did not leave work or a job to attend the protest, our taxes payed for that in the way of Centerlink benefits.
They see us as infidels, they are here to take over and convert people by force if needed, they hide behind their religion justifying their violent behaviour and actions. Many have little respect for our laws, which again was shown on the news tonight.
Anyway, if it keeps going like this I really feel sorry for my kids. At least were I live now they are allowed to celebrate xmas and easter at school.