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Strength & Conditioning for footballers

Mate I hope some of the AFL coaches take note of what you're doing. Would only be good for the game. You'd think more teams would try to copy Collingwood's success. Wish Essendon would, we have enough fitness issues and soft tissue injuries...
Sadly, my science is lacking lol

I had a boy this week sitting around telling a group about how advanced Carlton was. Whilst he was there he observed this massive screen, a treadmill attached with a belt wrapped around a players waist, and he was chasing Gary Ablett on this screen. They had loaded Abletts running pattern into this thing.

The boys were suitably impressed. A couple noticed I wasnt and asked why. I asked them why Ablett was the lure, they said he was the best.

I asked who the fuck does Ablett chase on his screen.

They looked at me blankly.

I said, be Ablett, not the guy chasing.

Gary didnt need anybody on a screen to bust his ass running on the track.

Gut running is not a physical skill to be learned in an office, its a state of mind to be displayed on the track.

I dont think many guys with a Sports Science degree would agree with me
Circuit the boys did on Monday

KB deadlift 56kg x 10
UDL 64kg x 10
Thrusters 16kg x 10
Thrusters 12kg x 10
Thrusters 10kg x 10
Cannonballs 28kg x 10
Cannonballs 24kg x 10
Cannonballs 20kg x 10
C&P 45kg x 10
Deadlift 70kg x 10
Military press 35kg x 10
Trap Bar dead 57kg x 10
KB swings 28kg x 10
KB swings 24kg x 10
KB swings 20kg x 10
KB swings 12kg x 10
KB swings 10kg x 10

A few did it 3 times, they are getting pretty fit. They do this before their running, it was hill running on Olivers Hill on Monday night

Sorry lol
Sounds interesting.

On Monday night, the fellas had written down to do 'single leg, alternative arm lateral raises'. That was just after they did. In order bench press, jump squats and bench pull. Direct look right does it.
This year there have been 4 undergraduate Ex Sci students who have been accumulating their practical hours at my gym. They have come from 2 different universities.

They had to find non-clinical placement hours and there are not many places to do this, most undergrads end up in commercial gyms or with pro/NSWIS sporting teams.

The development of strength is not part of the education model in Australia. Exercise Science as a degree has a heavy clinical and therapy emphasis and when people think of this degree they should be thinking about the sort of skills that are needed to assist cardiac post-op out patients and parts of the population who have acute pathologies like diabetes or coronary disease.

A degree in Exercise Science should not be seen as being synonymous with the coaching and development of athletes of high output. (That needs to be bolded.) There is nothing in our university educational modeling that teaches this. Elite athletic development is best supported by individual sports of the highest levels of the NCAS (National Coaching Accreditation Scheme). Outside of this it is largely a cottage industry of enthusiasts, some of whom post here. Look into the Russian model for how we should structure our education model.

It is to the credit of the students that I have worked with that they have sort out skills in strength development and in particular the experience of coaching it. I hope they all feel like they learnt something valuable. I know they were all largely underwhelmed by their course material and had hoped it would include things that it in fact completely over looked. Exercise skills, strength and athletic development were high on the list.

It would only be because of the individual efforts and specifc interest of the prescriber of an elite training program with a Ex Sci degree that it would resemble anything like what us strength practitioners would think is a well put together program.

You will continue to see very elite athletes in your favorite sporting teams doing ridiculous garbage, sold to the decision makers as 'cutting edge' and worth the money, whilst the athletes they train are weak, inflexible and beat up.
You mean they stand on one leg then do lateral raises with the opposite arm? Is someone playing a joke on them?

EDIT: Does this stuff go on at the AIS? Maybe Fadi can shed some light on their oly lifting training (which is probably pretty good), but I wonder what the footy players train like.
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As far as our OL program being good......compared to what.

On the Olympic and World stage, we cant even get a single lifter qualified to compete, let alone have a chance of standing on a podium.

As far as the strength sports goes, PL and SM are the only two where we can get an athlete competitive on the World Stage.

There is no AIS for these sports. What does that tell us?
You mean they stand on one leg then do lateral raises with the opposite arm? Is someone playing a joke on them?

That's right mate. I felt like a complete goose introducing it and guiding the lifters. It's great for balance. Don't get me wrong. Not overly productive tho IMHO.

Like most of you would know, my hands are tied. I'm not in a position to make changes or call shots. When I'm in charge of the team, thigsll be very different. They can barely deadlift, so you can forget power cleans.
We have almost no defense against this kind of stuff unfortunately. Mockery is about the only thing.

I'm not sure what brings the bile to the tip of my throat the most. The general overall weakness of most athletes and that their coaches are unable to coach it or the commonly peddled concept that balance is a general capacity.

Bide your time until you take over PowerBuilder, or do what I did, open your own gym.
EDIT: Does this stuff go on at the AIS? Maybe Fadi can shed some light on their oly lifting training (which is probably pretty good), but I wonder what the footy players train like.
No, nothing like that went on at the AIS. Things like squatting on one of those giant balls did not exist...that ball did not exist!

On the Olympic and World stage, we cant even get a single lifter qualified to compete, let alone have a chance of standing on a podium.
I'm a firm believer that Australia does not deserve to feature on the world stage in Olympic weightlifting. I don't enjoy saying that, but for as long as we have coaches with bigger egos than the weights they'd like their lifters to lift, then we have a major problem on our hands, and that's just the start. For as long as weightlifting coaches have their head buried in the sand, working against the interest of their lifters, then we deserve not to be featured on the world stage. For as long as the state (country) and its medical department has no idea (or wish to remain closed minded) to what it takes to produce world class Olympic lifters, then we do not deserve to be standing on the Olympic/World stage.

Markos, I've said this before on this forum I'm not sure if you've missed it, but I did say (and am still saying) that we need someone like you Sir if we were to feature on any stage with any credibility behind us. This country needs not many Markoses; just one would do, as just one Abadjiev did do for tiny tiny Bulgaria! We need someone with balls and someone who is surrounded by a talented medical team that is willing to work with and not against him.

Failing to do the above means we're just kidding ourselves when it comes to the sport of Olympic weightlifting featuring anywhere beyond the pathetic commonwealth games, where lifters clean and jerk what their male counterparts elsewhere are snatching!

Enough said.

I third what Fadi said & reach out to give him a big high 5. It is interesting to note what numbers are put up at the CWG and what are put up in the OG.

There is clearly at least one lose link in the chain

Taner Sağır snatched 172.5 at the 2004 olympics while in the 77kg class.

Yukio Peter snatched 148.0 at this years CWG in the 77kg weigh class.

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Pete, while your here, a set of Zang Khong plates and bar just got delivered to Tassie from AK, did it go to your club?

Rick only has one complete set left from Beijing
the simple fact is that no one cares about weightlifting in Australia. its not because people with degrees are training them.

weightlifting is the most popular sport for women in China. that is why they win.
It sure did mate. Theyll be our new competition set. I literally own half of it. I personally paid half of it!!!

Great investment Pete, beautiful set. I think Rick shipped it out on Monday so you probably havent seen it yet. The last set is in his showroom.

My friend also purchased a set for his home gym
the simple fact is that no one cares about weightlifting in Australia. its not because people with degrees are training them.

weightlifting is the most popular sport for women in China. that is why they win.

So you are saying people care about PL and SM in Australia lol

Our PL and SM are FAR more competitive on the World stage than OL yet get no AIS funding or scientists helping them.

I was watching Warrick Brandt on WSM last night on TV, strong.

Even a local pleb member on here, Steve Pritchard, went to the World Bench Press Championships, in the largest PL Federation in the world, and finished 6th.

Trains on his own in local gyms.

Anyway, were off topic, I've got Steve on hold wanting to talk about a comp in January or something.

What is Test prop, Equipoise and Tren?