A pretty cool workout with the fellas tonight. Lately I'd been working with a group of boys at the TIS complex, with fantastic equipment, eleiko bars, DHS bumper plates, platforms galore ect....
In some ways I felt I was lucky enough to spend a few hours with just three boys in a local footy clubs gym. It's nothing special, the kind of bars that weigh 8kgs, iron plates that look like they've been lifted a trillion times. A squat rack that is flat out wrong.
But alas, a bad carpenter blames his tools. One guy, Joshua was very unconfident about his squatting abilities. I told the three fellas that they should be squatting 1.5 x their bw for reps. After a bit of warming up, Josh ended up doing 6 good reps @ 100kg, at a bodyweight of 85kg. So it's not great weight, but great that he now understands some finer points.
They also found & agreed that as the weight went up, their technique actually improved.
For some reason that I can't understand the head coach had gotten them doing DL's with db's. IMHO i don't think there's anything wrong with learning how to DL with a dumbbell. At this stage of hte program, the guys have gone thru 5 weight training sessions & this was the first time they'd done it with a barbell.
They all ended up doing 8 good reps of 80kgs with great form.
I kinda prefer working in a more intimate setting with older, more primitive setting. They'd just not been pushed or taught how to do warm up sets or good technique (IMHO of course