So many dogs
Pic heavy post. I have two white German shepherds, Toby & Ava;
Tobes has a very strong prey drive and he's huge, so he only gets run when closed off or we're out somewhere huntin'. He's ripped a few things open in his time, from boars to (unfortunately) pet chickens.
Ava's calmer, but she'll take his lead and go for things if he's being aggressive.
Red Doberman pup we just got, Mila;
She's feisty, she likes to test Toby & Ava by biting their ears... and they're sharp puppy teeth, so it hurts real good. Floppy-eared herself, though, so we have to get used to taping her ears.
Mila and our old girl, Key Lime, mix of a few things;
She's like any old girl, lazes around and runs the joint. Nobody crosses Key Lime
And the other girl in the house, Feather, golden retriever;
She's calm and doesn't really get into much with the others. Kinda matriarchal, tough but gentle, whereas Key Lime will fight a bitch
Almost all together, Ava girl was inside the place with my wife...
We had a black lab, boy, but he passed a while back... I guess I kinda overcompensated...
Nobody comes knockin' unless it's important