its not on my radar, NF1 I can comment on. but not CF.or cystic fibrosis...
its not on my radar, NF1 I can comment on. but not CF.or cystic fibrosis...
ok np. The arteries get damaged within the arterial wall. The exact cause isn't yet known however what they do know is that LDL some how get oxidized within the wall, be this by free radicals non clearance by HDL acts of god they just don't know yet.well the you explained the condition, but nothing else;
eg skinny arteries but don't achnowledge the cause, its def not choleterole. maybe once skinny yeah it's a problem from the molecule being kinda big
so how else do people get skinny arteries besides the myth of cholestrol?
not a doc bro, nearly fully tanked, typing now slowing ..for a doctor, your answers are coming exptremely slowly.
whats the problem, you can't answer a simple real life question? they don't teach you that, only which meds will lower it?
ok np. The arteries get damaged within the arterial wall. The exact cause isn't yet known however what the do know is thay LDL some how get oxidized within the wall, be this by free radicals non clearance by HDL acts of god they just don't know yet.
this the causes macro-phages to come cleen up the mess. Think of them like large pac men. They come in an swallow the broken chit. but something goes wrong and they cause some sort of lesion, more come more die. this builds up plaque. cholesterol, triglycerides, macropharges. its a mess, this is called plaque and that's what builds up and clogs you fucking arteries.
If there is a rise in your cholesterol sumting is wrong, get it checked out why it has risen.
Doctors tell us all the time high LDL cholesterol is a risk to heart disease. what do you think that really means?
Yeah let's disregard what the experts tell us and ask a bunch of retards on a BB forum.
Who goes and gets their nice new car serviced by the Coles check out chick.
Would you let your mechanic do brain surgery on you.
Why do people want to get health advise of things like bb forums and celebrities these days.
And as soon as someone starts talking big pharma stop listening.
Kind of my point. Your GP is no expert on this.Yeah let's disregard what the experts tell us
Kind of my point. Your GP is no expert on this.
Did you know the AHA, ACC and NHLBI abandoned their target on LDL 2 years ago?
How long do you think it will take to filter down to you GP?
so keep taking copious amounts of medications, because you
1) eat like shit and gain weight
2) from eating like shit become diabetic
3) point 1 and 2 makes you have sleep apnoea
4) that destroys your hormones and you have severe stress hormones
5) point 3 creates high blood pressure destroying your kindneys
6) now your on fluid tablets too
do i need to continue? this is you, because your ignorant and want to listen to your doctor instead of taking charge of your life.
edit: and don't forget the depression pills, they are standard in the western society. who fucking isn't taking those these days.
its disgusting! and all this can be avoided by training, eating healthy and looking after your sleep.
nah, fuck that, eat like a pig, destroy your body and take 10 meds a day and complain how hard life is! fucker
Also, I'll put money on the average GP is going to be closer to the mark than the average poster here.