Active Member, June10MOTM
raw milk drinker here.. Grew up in the country with cows in paddocks.
I also put my raw milk in the cuboard with kefir grains for a few days to multiply that bacteria.
Bazza at anyone time we have bacteria on us that can kill us instantly.... Our body has that wonderful thing called the immunesystem. Keep it strong you will live.
More people die from eating bad food and not exercising that is preventable too, yet no one winges and harps on about that.
I also put my raw milk in the cuboard with kefir grains for a few days to multiply that bacteria.
Bazza at anyone time we have bacteria on us that can kill us instantly.... Our body has that wonderful thing called the immunesystem. Keep it strong you will live.
More people die from eating bad food and not exercising that is preventable too, yet no one winges and harps on about that.