A perfectly healthy looking girl can still transmit warts to you cock even while wearing a condom, safety measures dont always work either.
I know I have never had issues from raw milk because at other times I have had food poisoning and it was much worse than just an upset stomach.
Again you don't have a clue. Before milk was pasteurized hospitalisation from milk food poisoning was common. Now with pasteurization it is almost non existent only making a comeback now due to the hype of raw milk.
A few facts for people on raw milk
Common myth that baby calves die when fed pasturized milk. Wrong. Calves grow better due to the lower bacterial load. Figures show 30% more body weight gain.
Pasteurizing is heating the milk to about 70C for 15 seconds. Very mild when you compare it to how we cook other foods. As what happens to any foods we cook small amounts of some vitamins are lost but this is no problem unless your diet is 100% milk.
There is some research showing that children fed raw milk on average end up smaller than children fed pasturized milk again due to bacterial load.
Cows don't have to be sick to pass bacteria into milk. Think of a cow. They shit, the shit, which is full of bacteria, hits the ground and splashes up on the udder. The cow is then milked and the bacteria is passed into the milk. I don't care how clean or healthy you think the cows are your getting your milk from they all shit.
Milk gets tested for bacterial load and has to be under certain requirements but even the best milk is around 10000 cells per ml.
Salmonella is a common disease of dairy cows and can pass though into the milk. And as we know salmonella is not something you want. Again some people will say the cows they drink milk from are healthy. It does not matter. Many common sources of salmonella in cows are from cow shit, bird shit, mice and other animals as well as manure used as fertilizer. It can easily effect healthy well looked after cows.
Drinking raw milk probably won't kill you but it could, you might not get sick but you could. Why bother with the risk when you don't have to.
Pasteurizing milk is no different to cooking your chicken before you eat it. Milk is perfectly healthy but why not kill the living bacteria in it before you drink it.