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Push Pull Legs (with extra days rest)



Looking at doing a variation of the 3 on 1 off. This will be a 3 on 1 off but with an extra days rest before Legs. Many thanks to @Darkoz ; for pointing out this split:

Day 1: Push
Day 2: Pull
Day 3: Rest
Day 4: Legs
Day 5: Rest
Day 6: Push
Day 7: Pull
Day 8: Rest
Day 9: Legs
Day 10: Rest
Repeat cycle.

Benches 4x5
Incline Dumbbell Presses 3x 6-12
Flat Flyes 3x 8-12
Military Presses (or Arnold Presses) 3x 5
Lateral Raises 3x 8-12
Narrow grip Dips 3x 6-10
French Presses (or Pushdowns) 2x 8-12

Deadlifts 4x 5
Wide grip pull ups 3x 6-10
Dumbbell Rows 3x 6-12
Rear delt flyes 3x 6-12
Barbell curls 3x 6-8
Rotating dumbbell curls 2 x 6-12
Rollouts 4x maximum

Squats (or Front Squats) 4x 5-6
Leg Presses 3x 6-12
Stiff legged deadlifts 3x 6-12
Seated Leg curls 2x 8-12
Standing calf raise (or Seated calf raise) 4x 6-12
Hanging Leg Raises3x maximum

Reps -
6-12, 8-12 etc reps means using a weight to allow 6 reps then working uptill hitting 12 reps then adding weight.
Deadlifts are a problem. I want them in but might have to alternate or substitute them for Barbell Rows (then sub Dumbbell Rows for something else too).
Might alternate Dips with Pushdowns or French Presses, see how it goes.

Thoughts suggestions peeps. :)
I like mine better, but his can work I guess.

Lol. Darko pointed out the structure (2 on 1 off, 1 on 1 off, repeat). I came up with routine. Don't blame Darko if the routine is no good, blame me lol.
LOL, I meant this not his. I wasn't refferring to [MENTION=9251]Darkoz[/MENTION]; muahahh

Post edited.
Do you actually go to the gym and follow that routine? If at home I can understand but when you have wankers hogging machines plus there is only 1 squat rack which is usually taken, I have to substitute. Like for legs, most of the time I'm using the V squat machine or leg press coz the rack is taken. I guess my point is I go there with an idea of what I want to do but it rarely pans out that way.
Do you actually go to the gym and follow that routine? If at home I can understand but when you have wankers hogging machines plus there is only 1 squat rack which is usually taken, I have to substitute. Like for legs, most of the time I'm using the V squat machine or leg press coz the rack is taken. I guess my point is I go there with an idea of what I want to do but it rarely pans out that way.
I just wrote the routine today. Although I started similar Push and Pull over the weekend. I train at 4am in the morning, plus my new gym has a Crossfit section with a stack of racks so no trouble getting a rack.
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I like splitting the pull / push over 2 workouts comnbined. Just personal preference that's all.
how is your training going stiffy?

I switched the routine around abit. Doing Day 1: Legs, Day 2: Back and Chest, Day 3: Shoulders and Arms. This allows me to Superset antagonistic muscles, almost the entire lot, which I'm finding preferable due to time restrictions.