Oli, PTC is like any other gym in the fact that you'll still get a few softcocks.
A softcock will use ANY excuse to stop or quit.
99% of the competitors from the Vics are busting their ass in the gym. The first week was Hard, really HARD, but like Nick said, alls good and no body is failing.
Everyone has used the 10kg principle and it seems to be going well. Only Max is moving up a weightclass, so his 30kg total increase may seem the easiest, he is killing it at the moment, but he is currently weighing 76.3kg in the morning and 80.3kg at night. He was 72kg in Albury on the 2.05.10, 74kg on the 16.05.10.
If he actually gets to 80kg in the morning by the Nats, his new totals that he's chasing for the Nats will simply be openers 180/115/230.
Like any lifter, want to get stronger, get bigger.
At the opposite end of the scale, Sean has dropped 15kg, so he has to rejig his lifts the other way.
Anyone doing PPP needs to allow for fluctuations in bodyweight, especially if your good at it.